The Plan

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    It's amazing how fast everything goes to poop. Monsters, big and small, stormed the place.

    I recognized a few of them like the empousa, hellhounds, and kampé. Kampe looked as terrifying as ever accept her wings were folded in and the animals around her waist were smaller than before.
    Blood was everywhere. One by one another demigod fell. I was frozen in fear. Mom, Paul, annabeth, Grover, all my friends in danger because of me. Screams tore through my head. I saw it happen. My mother behind Paul. Paul behind annabeth. Annabeth in front of kampe. No. No! Riptide was in my hand and I charged. Everything was red. I CANNOT BE THE REASON MY FAMILY DIES. THEY ARE ALL I HAVE! Everything was a blur. I flew on top of the hideous monster. Slashing and stabbing anywhere only stopping when I landed hard on the floor.
    Gold dust was in my eyes and everywhere on me. Soon the dust was replaced by tears. I will never be enough. I will always be weak. I will always be stupid. I will always be too late. Not enough. If I was faster. If I was paying more attention! I could've saved them. No. They're gone. Forever. My mom. My dad. My annabeth. Dead. Gone. Never to be again.
    "PERCY! PERCY! GO, GET OUT OF HERE! GO!" Jason. He was in front of me. Gripping my head in his hands screaming at me to get up. Spit flew at my face. Sweat and tears blurred his face. I couldn't. I knew why. Kampe and her stupid poisonous blades. My body was on fire. Everything was spinning. Soon enough I couldn't even make out Jason and Frank dragging me out of the apartment. Red and orange blurred everywhere. I scrunched my eyebrows together. The walls weren't painted red. They were cream. With last thought I gave into the pain and let my head fall to the side, blackness clouding my vision.

    "He's damaged. Physically and emotionally. He might not make it."

    "The poison spread to much around his body. There's no telling how that's going to affect his body."

     "The poison is out it's only a matter of time until his body repairs itself enough for him to wake up."

    “I’ve done all I can. All there is to do is wait and see if Percy will allow himself to heal.”
Blackness. I was floating nowhere. It was like my whole world was erased and here I was listening to Apollo speak about me without me being able to say, I'm fine. But am I? My body was numb. Will I ever feel again? What about emotions. Will I ever fall in love. Annabeth is gone. I lover her. Mom is gone. I loved her. Paul was gone. I loved him. What will I do. There's nothing for me to live for. What's the point. Might as well give up.

*3rd person pov*

    The gods had gathered into the throne room. The usual bickering between each god had stopped and they all sat there, sorrow gracing their features. They were discussing their young hero, Percy Jackson. On the outside Percy looked fine where he laid on the cotton bed in front of the gods, besides the scars that littered his body. It was the insides that were damaged. The poison had spread, weakening his body. The only thing for the gods to do was wait until his body regained enough strength to wake up. But the problems didn't stop there. The young boy's head was also messed up. Dionysus had said Percy had multiple things going on including depression and PTSD. The gods looked lost on what to do. That is, except for Athena. She was hard at work looking for a solution.
    Percy was weak. In the body and head. If we help fix his thoughts then maybe he would allow himself to heal his body too. But how would they do that? Athena thought. "Family. I have a solution." "Because that is so unlike you." Apollo commented desperately trying to lighten the mood. The only thing he got in return were glares. Athena continued. “Percy has yet to wake up even after weeks of the poison being gone. I think his condition has something more to do with his mind and his depression. Basically, his mind and attitude is what is keeping himself from getting better. He is too young to have witnessed what he has. But he is also to old to ignore it like a child would. I’ve come to the conclusion that we should turn him into a child again. It would give his mind enough time to heal and it would also give him another chance at a good childhood.” Whispers went around the room. “Would it work?’ Hermes asked. Apollo replied with a simple, “maybe.” “ Where would he go afterwards?” Hera asked. “We would need to find a better home for him for we would not be allowed to interfere afterwards.” Hestia quietly reminded at the pit. “Wait a minute! Why are we doing so much to try to save the little demigod!” Ares cried out making it obvious he was not fond of the boy. Demeter stepped in, “think about it Ares. He’s fought in two wars, both of them he has won. And, he also stopped a third world war happening. Still think he’s not worth it? I mean come on even Artemis is with the idea!” Artemis nodded, though she would have preferred to be left out of the conversation. Yes, she did not hate the boy for multiple reasons, she still did not broadcast the news everywhere.

    Finally, Zeus put a stop to the talking. “Quiet! We will have a vote. Those who are in favor raise your right hand.” Ten hands went up, not including Zeus, for he was in charge of the vote, and Ares. “Ok, majority rules. Percy will be turned into a…” he glanced at Athena. “A five year old.” Athena answered. Zeus continued, “at noon. We will all gather here before to discuss his living situation. Then we will perform the ritual. Then last but not least, we shall send him off into the real world.

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