Deep In Your Thoughts

67 7 2

Word Count: 1465

"Dean Winchester fell for an angel," the shapeshifter said with Castiel's mouth. "Who would've thought?"
An unfamiliar smirk played across Cas' lips as the shifter used his blue eyes to give Dean a once-over where he sat, tied up, in an abandoned warehouse. The rusty chains dug painfully into his wrists and he mentally cursed the shifter for being smart enough to use chains instead of ropes. This way Dean couldn't find a way to cut himself loose. The chair he was uncomfortably placed in while he was unconscious was of metal too so there was no escape. Effie - that's what Dean had decided to name the shifter to give him another characterization than Cas - curled him with an intense look, keeping Dean tense and guarded.
"I mean," Eddie continued. "You're a Winchester for god's sake! Well, maybe not god's sake, but you get my point..."
Dean rolled his eyes as Eddie started chuckling at his own joke, and he probably would've come up with a rather rude remark if it wasn't for the handkerchief stuffed in his mouth.
He felt so stupid, so goddamn stupid. When "Cas" came back early from the store Dean didn't even give it a second thought, just greeted him and then gone back to his research. He didn't even notice that Cas didn't have any groceries with him before he got knocked out by somebody disguised as his best friend. Even more than that.
And now he was tied up with Eddie standing in front of him and talking nonchalantly about Dean's buried feelings for Cas. This meant Eddie was either very observant or Cas most likely knew and Eddie had acceded that knowledge. But Dean refused to cooperate. If he first had to sit and listen to this he was not going to give his capturer the satisfaction of reaction. Eddie seemed to notice this and it did not please him. He stopped his pacing around Dean and stopped right in front of him, crossing Cas' hands over Cas' chest in a way that toned it very well.
"You know, he loves you too."
The simplest sentence said in the simplest tone and yet it wasn't simple at all. Dean felt as if somebody pulled an entire world of his shoulders only to replace it with another. So far he'd avoided eye contact in fear of giving it all away, but know his head snapped up and he stared disbelieving into the eyes of a man wearing the meat suit of the one he loves. When Eddie saw Dean's expression he threw his head back laughing. Well, it was Cas' head. It was his laugh too, but oddly twisted in a way that made Dean's stomach do the same. Or maybe that was caused by this new information.
"Yes! Dean," Eddie exclaimed, pleaded with finally getting trough and getting a reaction. "The blue eyed angel is head over heels in love with you. He didn't understand it at first, he didn't understand anything at first though, but until your dear brother Sam explained-" of course you did, Sammy "- and now he doesn't understand how to express his undying love for you or if he even should."
He was mocking him, Dean knew that. But a part of him wanted him to keep talking. He had heard about people getting dizzy when they found out someone loved them back, but honestly he only felt confused and doubting. There had been something there all along, Dean knew that, but when Eddie used words like "undying love" he felt like he was exasperating. Like he was playing if something that wasn't truly there. 
"The love of your life isn't really that clever is he?" The shifter kept teasing. "Doesn't understand much."
Dean suppressed a growl.
This didn't make sense to him. Dean wasn't here as bait, he was here to be killed, so why was Eddie stalling? Why was he mocking Dean like this, telling him Cas loved him and always had? It didn't make sense. In retrospect he probably shouldn't have thought that.
"So, yes, Dean Winchester the angel loves you. So badly," Eddie stopped strolling around him, and came closer, gripping ahold of the armrests, his face inches from Dean's. "Too bad you'll never be able to be with him. You'd make a good couple."
A flash of fear shot trough him as he saw a glint of metal, but it was drowned in the sudden pain sourcing from his stomach. This is the part where Dean did get dizzy as his AC/DC shirt git drenched in blood. His own blood, for a change. He knew the knife had pierced something vital, and he felt blood welling up in his mouth and trickling out past the handkerchief. In these last moments Dean didn't avoid eye contact, but rather stared straight into Cas' blue eyes. Cas might not be the person behind those eyes, but at least they were his. Dean felt himself being pulled away, pulled underwater and away from earth. He was so far away he nearly missed the sound of a door being kicked open.
But he didn't and he managed to capture a glance of Sam and Cas standing there. Sam's face lost all color while Castiel's lips -the real Castiel's lips - formed a shout.
That's what Cas shouted before Dean gave in, completely gave into the darkness and pain.
Dean more sensed than saw the blinding blue light that embraced him and pulled him out of the darkness. Air filled his lungs - must to his appreciation - as he gasped and looked around bewildered. The first thing he really noticed was the coldness. He was laying in a concrete floor and the coldness seeped trough his ruined t-shirt. The hunter bolted up into sitting position and let his fingers desperately grasp at his bloody stomach. But there was no source for the blood. Before Dean could capture more someone's arms flunked around him and he was sitting his baby brother in his lap, hugging him. Realizing what situation Sam had just been in Dean hugged him back despite his confusion. He got sometime to look around the room. Not far away lay the stool Dean had been seated in earlier, on the side and covered in blood. The chains were there too. Then Dean saw him. Castiel.
Beside the chair, he was laying bloody with several bullet holes in his shirt. Dead.
Dean suddenly trashed out of Sam's arms startling his brother as his mind blanked out. He didn't remember the fact that bullets don't kill angels. All he saw was Cas' dead body. That was until the angel gripped his shoulders in an attempt to calm him down. Their eyes met at the same time common sense hit Dean's brain. The Cas laying on the floor was the shifter, the real Cas was there, he was safe. When he sat there staring into the deep blue eyes that could only ever be Cas' he realized that the shifter hadn't been lying. Cas did care for him, in a non-platonic way. Without any hesitation Dean moved his hand to cup Cas' cheek to bring his lips up to Dean's. He could feel the angel tense up beneath him out of surprise, but Dean felt no doubt. Then Castiel relaxed and kissed him back with as much passion, and even deepened the kiss. Cas moved closer to Dean and moved his hand from Dean's neck to his dirty blonde hair. They kissed like that for as long as they managed as if to make up for all the years they hadn't. When they pulled away it was Dean who spoke up first.
"Thank you," he whispered, lips nearly brushing Cas' when he spoke. "I thought I was going to die."
Castiel looked at Dean with his signature expression, but this time Dean noticed the love written in it. "But, Dean, you were dead. Barley, but still. We nearly lost you," his deep voice sounded comforting despite the fact that the words were upsetting.
Dean leaned in again and lightly pecked Cas's lips. Then he pulled further away than he first time, so he could look at Cas properly.
"Thank you," he repeated.
The older Winchester then turned to the younger who sat a couple of feet away and had suddenly grown very interested in his shoelaces.
"So?" Dean asked hopefully, awaiting a reaction. "So," Sam sighed. "It was about time. What yanked your head out of your ass?"
Dean rolled his eyes and scoffed at his brother. "Maybe dying?" He laughed it of because there was no way in hell he was gonna tell it took a shifter to make him accept his feelings. He would never hear the end of it.

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