part 2

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Fuck,it's Monday,school!!!
But I have to get that certificate for a better life,so I tough out this wretched cold weather and get out of my bed and go to take a bath,I wake up at 6:00 am sharp always school starts at 8:00 sharp but for some reason  I'm always late,I kinda enjoy being late. After I'm finished taking a bath I go to the kitchen to make breakfast,the kitchen is my mom's sanctuary,her place of happiness so it's ALWAYS clean.
I see my mom, I say morning.
You mean good morning.
Sorry good morning mom.
Good morning to you too,did you sleep well.
Yes I did you?
I slept alright.
I finish my breakfast.
Bye mom
Get home early today please.
Okay I'll try. Then I hit the door and bounce.

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