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have you ever looked good in the flames? saw you ever a shadow moving into it or did you think you saw that? the flames are a type of door to a world that we can't see. We dont want to see this world. in that world fights good and evil against each other. the battle began even before the world was started. But how long does this fight stand? don't think when you extinguish a candle the demons and angels also stop the fight. It just goes on. a flame is only a conction between the worlds. because in the middle of the flame you can see them. they move to quickly for us. but that's because the time between the worlds runs different. It's not like everywhere on that world is war. on the side of the angels are the doors to Earth. and the demons want to conquer Earth and end the good and the angels. What would happen if 1 of their loses or both? can the world as we know it today than exist? and how would we live then?

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