First petal

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I gathered up all my pencils and stuffed them in my bag, not caring if they were neatly put in. Math class went on for way to long in my mind. I stood up out of my seat and almost ran for the door when I tripped and fell straight on my face...and I already knew that everyone was staring at me, a few moments passed and laughter was echoing throughout the class room. My face grew hot and my knees and chin hurt form the fall. I stood up slowly and ran out of the classroom, I bolted it down the hall, ignoring the teachers who told me to slow down. I took a left that lead to the exit, I'm not going to class after that, I looked around the out side of my school...guess I'm heading to the back. I began walking there, thinking of there laughter and the embarrassment of the whole situation. By the time I was about to turn the corner I froze in my way....I swore on my life that sounded like a scream.. And to no fault but
mine, the body of Veronica smith fell right in front of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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