His Name was Tim

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Chapter One-

The night I had moved into my new flat I had been feeling extremely uneasy. It was an old flat and people didn't stay long for some unknown reason. I would also soon encounter my new flat mate, who I hoped was tolerable. I also hoped he wouldn't mind my insolent screaming in the middle of the night while I made videos. Once I arrived, I took a quick look around and headed to my room. Rounding the corner into the hallway, I saw a man a bit younger than me-- probably about nineteen-- lying on the floor. He was quite small and scrawny; he had large, trusting blue eyes that stared up at me. My brows furrowed for a moment as I adjusted my glasses, holding out a hand to him. He took it, trying to hide the blood trickling from the side of his face. I frowned slightly, pursing my lips. "Are you okay?" I mumbled.

"I-I'm alright!" He said quickly pressing a hand to his injured cheek. "Y-you must be Mark!"

I nodded, saying, "And you must be Tim. Nice to meet you. But let me help you with that."

Tim sighed, looking at me, slightly embarrassed.

"Who did this?" I asked, genuinely concerned, although I barely knew this man. It was strangely dark in the hallway, save for a few flickering bulbs.

"People bigger than me. Bullies, I guess you could say. They hate me cause I'm smaller and relatively smarter." Tim replied softly, face lowered as I dabbed at his cheek with my sleeve. I had to move his wavy brown hair out of the way to get to the now swelling bruise.

"That's horrible..." I murmured, looking into his eyes. "I should get some ice for this."

Tim nodded silently; I walked out to get some ice. When I can back, he was gone, and I detected crying from his room.

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