First or second?

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Lauren: I got to go. I'm going on a date with Alex.

Principal: don't care. You guys may go.

Tiffany: alright!!!!

Soccer field

Lauren: guys, promise we won't turn on each other?

Alisha: promise! Now you go see the movie with Alex!!!!!!

Lauren: wish me luck! We watching wish upon!! It's about-

Remi: hi Alex!

I turn around and see Alex with a red beanie, grey shirt, and jeans.
I never thought I'd say this but, I actually love him. I never thought in my entire life I would say that.

Lauren: you look, great.

Alex: you look great too.

I look at myself and I was wearing a baggy jersey that said, "Wild pack! Bears!" And had the number three on it

Lauren: oh, I'm not wearing this, I have a change of clothes! Like I would wear this ugly thing! I-I mean, it's not ugly! It's just not date worthy! I mean, if you want me to wear it I can!

Alex: you'll look pretty in everything! It doesn't matter what your wearing.

Lauren: thanks but, I'll wear this!

Alex: sure. Why not?

Remi: (whispers) he's cute, and he's not judgmental. He's perfect for Lauren.

Mia: (whispers) I ship it!

Alex: shall we?

Lauren: we shall!

We locked arms I looked back and saw all my friends blushing. I don't get it. It's not our first, it's our second date! I don't know if you count the football game a date since we made it a date when it almost ended, and Aaron was there who doesn't exactly ship us to the full extent, whatever

Mia: it's a horror movie, when Lauren's scared......

Tiffany: she'll snuggle up with Alex....

Remi: Alex will be her knight and shining armor!

Alisha: it's going to be perfect!


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