Blonde-haired Boy

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You approached a pink and purple tent, the fabric looking more white and blue because of the sun fading the colors. Kedamono kindly opened the entrance to the tent and there was what looked like a kitchen. There were cabinets and counters, a table with chairs, and a fridge. There was no microwave or oven or anything of the sort, though, which was odd. The first thing you noticed, though, was a tall boy hunched over the fridge, browsing its contents. He had on a striped red and white suit and pink bunny ears. Once he heard the tent open, he turned his head to look at Kedamono, but then noticed you and was taken aback. "Who....?" The boy looking confusingly at him. Kedamono smiled. "(Y/N). She lost her way and I was getting her a bite to eat.." As he trailed off, The taller boy's face grew angry. "Do you realize how scarcely we get food around here? What, are we just passing shit along to the poor? Throwing our supply out the window?" He continued on, Kedamono looking scared. He shook as the tall boy grabbed the fur on the back of his neck. He raised his hand to hit him and you intervened finally. "Stop it! He just wanted to help, what's the matter with you?" Kedamono looked relieved and walked a little farther away, and the boy looked down at you, more taken aback than angry. "What the-? uh... yeah. W-we, I mean I can get you a bite to eat if you, uh, yeah. He just wanted to help, um.. do.. uh.. yeah. Help. Help yourself.." He turned red in the face, obviously embarrassed by his previous actions and he looked defeated. "I, uh.. I'm Popee." You nodded, still angry and tapping your food impatiently, waiting. He seemed to realize what you were getting at. "Sorry, Kedamono." Kedamono smiled forgivingly and Popee left the tent. As soon as he exited, Kedamono let out a large sigh and ran up to you, hugging you. "ARE YOU OKAY? DID HE HURT YOU?" You laughed and shook your head. "I'm fine! What's his deal anyway?" Kedamono also shook his head and turned to make sure Popee wasn't there. "Anger issues. He's a real sweetheart if you get to know him though." You let out a small 'hmph.' And went to search for food. Kedamono showed you where it was and you chose a drumstick, you heard they were delicious from a certain somebody and they were. You ate happily as the sky turned dark. Kedamono led you to another tent. You couldn't tell the colors since it was pitch black. "I'm so sorry for this in advance. It's the only available tent..." you were confused until he opened it and you saw Popee asleep on a mattress. You sighed, and Kedamono winced, climbing into a bed right across from Popee's. "I'm so so sorry. Also, if you wake up and he's on top of you with a knife to your throat, just push him off. He does it in his sleep." You gasped and your eyes flew open, but Kedamono already fell asleep as soon as he said that. You shuddered and climbed into the bed right next to Popee's. You can't even call them beds, honestly. They were mattresses with thin blankets on them. Cautiously, you settled in for the night and closed your eyes, dozing off quickly.

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