Chapter 6

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A/N: Look at me updating like a good author. Sorry if this is short and/or crappy, I've been in a slump with my writing for the past couple months (edit from 2023: years) which is one of the many reasons why I haven't posted since December (edit from 2023: of 2017).

Newt's P.O.V

   Tina had mentioned that nobody was home at the Barebone household, so I had decided to pay Y/N a little visit; as I suspected they would be home as they gets locked away or whatever, but never mind that!
   Regardless, today I've decided that I'm going to show Y/N the amazing world of magic, and prove to them that having magical powers is not a curse, but instead a blessing. With my briefcase in tow, I journey forth to the Barebone household, determined to help them understand their abilities better.
Knocking on the door, there was no answer as expected. Surprisingly, however, the door was left unlocked—perhaps a brief error that no one had noticed. Quietly, I let myself into the house, looking around at the cold, quiet house. If I hadn't known any better, I would not have suspected anyone to have lived here, it felt abandoned. Those poor child who live here.
    As I walked down the empty hallways, I made my way towards the room in which Y/N is kept. Approaching the door, I gently knock three times, waiting for a response. From inside the room, a quiet whimper could be heard; my heart broke at the sound of the person held behind the door. They key for the room hung on a hook next to the large, heavy door. I unlocked the room, slowly opening the door and peaking my head in.
    "Hello?" I call out tentatively, not wanting to frighten Y/N with my presence.
    In response, they curled tighter into themselves, seemingly wanting to disappear as much as possible. I approached them slowly, speaking gently as I do so.
    "Don't worry, Y/N. My name is Newt Scamander, I was here the other day. I'm here to help you."
    Y/N slowly raised their head a little, looking at me with wide, hopeful eyes before nodding softly.
   "I'm going to save you."

A/N (please read):

    Hi! I would like to address my leave of absence and/or extended hiatus! So, I have watched this movie exactly once back when it came out in theaters and then never watched the sequel. I literally could not tell you a single thing that happened in it if I am being so honest.
    I would like to apologize for this awful ending, but I never intended to touch this story again. However, while going through the chapters I found this one partially written. There was 1.5 paragraphs plus the authors note at the beginning, and I got the sudden motivation to finish at least this chapter to hopefully giving a moderately satisfying ending to this open-ended fanfic. I genuinely do not like this fic and am not proud of it in the slightest, but I appreciate all of you for reading and taking an interest in my work, even if it was never finished and is from several years ago!
    Thank you all for sticking with me and supporting my story! Unfortunately, I believe this is going to be it for I'll Save You, as I have little to no interest in it anymore. I had written this in middle school, and seeing as I am now in college, my interests, personality, and writing style have all changed greatly over the years.  While I do still write, I write mostly short stories, creative nonfiction, and silly fanfics for my friends and I. I have nothing published at the moment as my research papers for school take precedent.
    That being said, I am interested in getting back into writing for fun and was considering posting some of my recent work and writing short stories to post here. I'm not sure, if I'm being honest. Would any of you be interested in something like that? I've been looking at using other platforms instead, though. Nothing is decided yet, just a thought.
    I'd also like to say that a friend of mine that I've met in college had read this fic when she was younger, obviously not knowing I was the author. We thought it was quite funny when she mentioned that she had read and enjoyed this fic and I told her that had I written it.
    Well, considering this authors note is now longer than the actual chapter, I should probably wrap things up. Thank you all again for taking the time to read this story, and thank you if you've read my note this far. I appreciate all of you and I am very grateful for the experience of having written this. Perhaps we will see each other again soon. Regardless, I bid you all farewell and I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Newt Scamander x Reader: I'll Save YouWhere stories live. Discover now