Chapter 1

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"You're late." Mr. Ramirez said. He was sitting next to someone else. I felt as in I was in school again, being sent to the principals office, but actually I was always in the principals office for a good reason.

"I'm sorry, traffic." Which is not true, I just woke up late. "May we start? I don't mean to be rude but I have a tight schedule."

"Yes, we know. I'll make this as fast and simple as possible." said Mr. Ramirez.

The man next to him spoke, "Its concerning your brother."

My heart began to race, he's always getting into trouble, I just hope he's okay.  "Does he owe you money?"

"No ma'am, he's just... currently in the hospital, and he'll stay there a while."

I took a deep breath, this is not the worse thing that's happened. "Is he OK though?"

"Yes, he's fine but he asked a favor."

"A favor?" that's weird.

Then Mr. Ramirez smiled and looked at me.

"You're brother planed in joining a boy band, but, as you can see that won't be happening any time soon and this weekend is the last auditions."

I was getting curios. "What does this have to do with me?"

"He said if you could go for him instead."

"Umm... I don't know if you've noticed I'm a girl and it's a boy band."

"You're his twin."

"Oh" I know where this is going to...

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