Chapter One

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Haylee's Point of View (POV):

I moved to a new town last week with my mom and dad. There's a big school, and a huge town. Lot's of people, and I've already become friends with our neighbor's daughter, Autumn.

Autumn's really cool, she has long, thin red hair, just like the leaves in Autumn or Fall. She has deep hazel eyes, and is really skinny. She's just about the same height as me, only a couple inches shorter. She came over to my house two days after my family and I moved into Los Angeles. Autumn isn't your average sixteen year old, there's something special about her, and it's only a matter of time before I find out.

Autumn stayed at my house for a little, and told me about all the students at school. The sluts of the school, the populars, the bad boys, the players, the jocks, the nerds, and the normal kids. She told me she's the fifth popular, and all the boys are chasing after her. I believe it, she is drop dead gorgeous. She also told me that whenever there's a new girl in school, they automatically get everyone to be friends, and become super popular. Autumn said I'd have no problem being popular, with my straight with a tint of curl bleach blonde hair, my height, my ocean blue eyes, and my style. She said I'd be popular the minute I stepped on campus.

I was kind of scared for my first day, since it is the middle of the school year, and the only person I know is Autumn. I wish I had a brother or sister the same age as me with me the entire time, but no. I have to be an only child.

Autumn told me that she didn't have any friends, besides some girl named Sophia, because everyone wanted to be friends with her because she's popular, so they could get popular, not because they genuinely wanted to be friends with her.

"We're going to be best friends, I can already see it!" Autumn exclaimed while clapping her hands and bouncing on my bed. She's a crazy girl, I can tell you that. I gave her a smile and nodded slightly, and she pulled me into a big hug.

"I'll be over tomorrow morning, seven sharp, to get you ready for your first day. You MUST m-u-s-t MUST make a good impression!" She squealed, spelling out the second 'must'.

After Autumn went home, I finished setting up my room, making it perfect. My new room was four times the size as my last one, and I was really happy about that. I got brand new furniture too, except for my desk, which has been in my family for generations. A new bunk bed, new bed sets for both mattresses on the bunk bed, new bean bag chairs, cabinets, dresser, bedside tables, everything. My room even has a gigantic walk-in closet! Big enough for almost all my outfits, all my shoes, sweaters, sweat shirts, and jewelry.

I make both of the beds on the bunk bed, put all my clothes in the walk-in closet, all my pants and skirts and such in the dresser, set up my desk with school stuff and my laptop, and put the picture of my friends and I on my bed side table. I miss them a lot, we all cried our eyes out the last day I was at that school. We all promised to video chat on Skype at least four times a week, and that I would send them pictures of the beach and all of Los Angeles.

I looked at the clock above my door and noticed I did all that work in less than two hours, which is impressive since all my clothes in the walk-in closet had to be organized by height, color, and whether or not I'll wear it often or not.

"Haylee, dinner!" My mom called from downstairs. I climbed out of my bean bag chair and put my iPhone on charge at my bed side table. Walking downstairs, I smelled the amazing smell of my mom's home made lasagna. I immediately sat down at  the dining room table, and patiently waited for my mom to carry out the tray of lasagna. As soon as the tray of food hit the table, I grabbed the spatula and shoved a big piece on my plate. I finished my dinner in about twenty minutes, and went back upstairs.

I sat back down on my bean bag chair and pulled out a book I was reading in my old school, and asked to borrow to finish it and mail it back. About an hour later, I got dressed in my pajamas, and got ready for bed. I brushed my teeth in my medium sized bathroom, that's all for me. I don't know why my parents decided to get this big of a house, with four bedrooms, 5 bathrooms and more when we're only a family of three.

After I finished brushing my teeth, I brushed my hair and pulled it back in a pony tail. Autumn gave me her number, so I texted her.

~Autumn and Haylee's Conversation~

Haylee: Hey what's up?

Autumn: nothing much, just getting ready for bed. remember, i'll be there at 7 am sharp. that leaves us with about 45 minutes to get you ready. I can drive us to school.

Haylee: ok cool, are you picking my outfit too? or can you do my hair and makeup so it matches my outfit?

Autumn: you can pick outfit, but I will make sure it's perfect, maybe add things, or lose things. I'm bringing some stuff I don't wear much anymore that you can have.

Haylee: you don't have too, we can go shopping tomorrow after school, it is going to be Friday after all.

Autumn: ok awesome! just have to ask my mom for some money, im poor as fuuuuck x3

Haylee: yup, me too. talk tomorrow then? night

Autumn: yup! night Haylee!

I plugged my phone into the charger and rolled over, to get comfortable. I closed my eyes, and within a matter of seconds I was out like a light.

I hope you enjoyed chapter 1!!! please make sure to follow me, favorite the book, and add it to your reading list! Also comment ideas and stuff, I would love feedback! <3 Much love <3

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