I wish I could be more like that. When she sees a guy she's wants she goes and talks to him. She's bold and isn't afraid to say what's on her mind. I'm more of the shy reserved one around guys.

Speaking of boys I wonder where Marques is. His fine ass seems to be hanging around here lately. I think he's doing business with my father. I'm not sure what whenever I ask my dad says you don't need to know. I hope he comes by today.

I never say anything to him. He looks at me and smiles but never says anything to me. Leah keeps telling me to see what's up. I'm too nervous for that.

I hear the door make a click noise. Signaling that someone just walked in.

I looked up and see Marques. He's rocking some white Levi jeans with a white polo shirt and some white Timbs. His hair looks like he just got a fresh cut. He looked good enough to eat. 😍😩🙌

He started walking towards me. Oh God I really need to stop staring so hard.

I distracted myself with my phone. I pretended to be busy with notifications for Instagram.

I hear someone clear their throat. I look up and he's standing there in front of me. I can smell his cologne he smells so good.

"Hey," says Marques.

"Hi," I say trying not to look him in the eyes.

"Your names Melanie right?" Asks Marques


"Oh well I'm Marques." Says Marques smiling. He's cheesing so hard I can see his dimples.

"Aww your dimples are cute."

"Thanks I get that a lot." Says Marques looking down. He's so tall I have to tilt my head to see him.

"So what you doing here? If your looking for my dad he's in the back?"

"Oh I know I came here to talk to you. I see you hang out here a lot. I always see you when I stop by. Anyway I know you don't know me very well but I was wondering if maybe we could hang out sometime?" Asks Marques he looks nervous.

"I would love to."

"Cool so I'll-" he got cut off by my dad.

"Marques when did you get here? I was just about to call you." Says my dad walking towards us.

"I just got here." Says Marques

"I see you met my daughter. You two haven't been frontally introduced. Marques his is my beautiful daughter Melanie. Melanie this is the young man I'm doing business with." Says my dad.

Me and Marques just smile at each other.

"I was just asking Melanie if she wanted to have lunch with me sometime. That is if it's okay with you?" Asks Marques

I look at my dad with pleading eyes. I give him my best puppy dog face.

"You seem like a nice young man. I trust you. So I guess that would be fine." Says my dad.

"Really I can go?"

"Yes Mel Marques is a family friend. He's going somewhere in life unlike these other hoodlums walking around." Says my dad.

"Thanks daddy you're the best."

I stand on my tippy toes and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Anything for my princess. Alright me and Marques has important things to discuss. We'll be back later." Says dad

"Okay I'll be waiting here."

"I'll let you two have a minute. Meet me in my office when you're done." Says my dad before leaving.

As soon as he leaves Marques pulls out his phone.

"Here let me get your number?" Asks Marques

We exchange phones and Marques hands me my phone back.

"Me and your dad shouldn't take long. When I'm done I would like to take you to lunch." Says Marques

"Sounds good to me."

"I'll see you in a few." Says Marques


I watch as he walks towards my dad's office.

Today just keeps getting better and better. I can't believe he said yes. Usually my dad never lets me go out with boys. For some reason he's taking a liking to Marques.

I can't wait to tell Leah she's not gonna believe this. I send her a quick text canceling our lunch date.

I wonder what a guy like Marques wants with me. 😳

I guess only time will tell.

Marques Harrison's Pov

"Here's the package you wanted."

"Good looks like everything is here. It was nice doing business with you." Says Mr. Martinez

"Same here boss."

"I'll let you go since Mel is waiting. You be careful with my baby."

"Of course."

I walk out the door closing the door behind me.

I walk over to the waiting area. I see Mel bust texting on her phone.

"You ready?"

"Yeah we can go." Says Mel

She follows after me and we head towards my car. I open the passenger door for her. She gets in and jog around to the driver seat.

"So where do you want to eat?"

"This might sound weird but Denny's. I'm in the mood for some pancakes." Says Mel

"Sounds good."

I pull out of the drive way.

A few minutes later we pull into Denny's parking lot.

We both get out the door and walk towards the entrance. Once inside I see a large group of people in line. While waiting I see a familiar face. I hope she doesn't remember me.

The line starts to move. When we get to the front I see the hostess. Just great the hostess is one of the girls I mess around with. I stopped fucking with her because shawty was crazy. Please don't let her make a scene in front of Melanie. I've been trying to talk to her for the longest. I don't want anyone to mess this up for me.

Please excuse any mistakes that I might have made.

So what do y'all think?

Please Vote and Comment 💁

-TelleTheMisfit 😘😘

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