:: Chapter One

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:: A more in-depth look into Meredith's recovery after the drowning incident as well as what happened during the time she was being resuscitated. ::


:: Chapter Inspiration ::

:: Timeless | Kate Havnevik ::


Love is a cure

A promise

Still so pure

Rise like the tide

No need to hide it


Just like before


The cold water was a shock to him as he made contact with the icy surface.

Blinking, he took a moment to adjust to the temperature and for his eyes to clear up but it was no help in seeing anything. The water was so dark, from a mixture of the depth and the fuel that was spilling from the ferry boat above the surface.

Where is she?

Using his arms to push him around, he twirled in circles under the water, trying to find sight of something, anything, but there was nothing. Before he could do anything else, his oxygen began to run out and he was forced to kick towards the surface and take a big gulp of air before diving back under.

By his seventh dive, his heart was beginning to break even further at the fact that he just wasn't finding anything.

He didn't know how much longer he could keep doing this. The water was icy and his limbs were beginning to become numb. How long had Meredith been under the water for? Ten minutes? Fifteen? Twenty? He had no idea but he had only been in for no more than ten minutes and he was beginning to struggle. And she was a lot smaller than him, so it would have taken more out of her and Oh god.

The more time that went by, the more he was beginning to question if she was even in the water. She wasn't there.


"Are you sure she's in the water?"

A nod.


Just as he was about to give up and get out of the water, his foot brushed against something in the water.

At this point, he had moved out a good twenty -five feet from the dock, how did she get out here?

Without a second thought, he thrust his hand under the water, searching for anything to grab ahold of. The seconds passed and he was begging to think he had imagined he had felt something when his hand finally wrapped around something soft yet oh so cold. Without even looking down what he had grabbed, he began to kick towards the surface, head becoming lighter with a lack of oxygen.

Once he finally broke the surface, he used his remaining strength to drag whatever he had grabbed to the surface, noticing it was her arm before gathering the rest of Meredith's body against him.

He had hoped that she would have taken a breath when they had broken the surface together but her head quickly rolled onto his shoulder, smashing all the hope.

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