Chapter 3: Carnival Fun

Start from the beginning

Kori: "we're here!" *gets out of the car*

I look down then followed the others that were in the carnival

Kori: *turns around at us* "This is the perfect place to start bonding and start to get to know each other better" *starts to walk*

BlueB: "How more do we have to know each other, we've already seen Garfield lick himself"

Dami: "as a dog?"

Rae: "I wish"

I raised my eyebrow but shaked it off. Weird.

Gar: "Let's go to the Faris Weel dudes"

Garfield went with Jaime and Kori went by herself, I wanted to go by myself but Kori made Raven come next to me. Damnit what is this?

Raven's Pov

Rae: "Kori I will not be sitting next to Damian!"

Kori: "awe come on please Raven, I'm sure you guys would be good friends if you tried"

Rae: "still not buying it"

Kori: "then it's settled" *grabs Raven and before she could react she was sitting next to Damian*

Rae: *gives a death stare at Kori*

Kori: *gives a smile and leaves*

'Kori you are so dead when we get back to the tower'

The ride started but I wasn't really entertained, I was actually quite bored until I realized I was staring at Damian and he was staring at me, we both looked away quickly. What's going on with me?

-the ride surprisingly stopped-

Worker: "there is an error please remain seated"

Dami: "of course it's not like we're going to jump off our seats and purposely kill ourselves"

Rae: *tries to hold in her laugh but failed*

Dami: *looks at her embarrassed cause he thought he said it in his head*

Rae: *stops laughing but ends with a smile*

Dami: *looks at her with his face turning bright pink*

Rae: *turns bright pink as well*

Dami: *slowly starts to lean in without a thought*

Rae: *does the same*

Only inches away until our lips meet, the Faris weel started to work again and put us back into our positions

Rae: *blushes completely red*

Dami: *blushes completely red as well*

-time pass-

Nobody's Pov

As they were playing other games and having fun Damian and Raven stayed kind of a distance from the others and tries to forget what happened in the Faris Weel.

Dami: *breaks the silent* "Jaime cheated by using the bug" *points at him*

Rae: *looks at him not amused but then covers her mouth trying not to laugh out loud*

Dami: "what?"

Rae: *points behind him showing a mirror that makes his butt look magnificently huge*

Dami: *looks shocked and points at the other mirror smirking*

Rae: *looks up at the other mirror that made her head look magnificently huge*

Rae: "Hey!" *slaps his hand playfully*

Dami: *smiles and tries to run from her* "Guess you gotta catch me to hit me"

Rae: *laughs and runs after him* "I'm gonna catch you"

Dami: *still running* "Yea right"

Dami: *stops running and looks back to see if she is still catching up but doesn't see her* "Ha she couldn't even catch up"

Rae: *appears behind him and tackles him* "Gotcha"

Dami: *shocked* "what?! How?!"

Rae: *laughs* "Just cause I'm a girl that doesn't mean I can't catch up with a Wayne"

Dami: *slightly blushes but laughs* "I guess I misjudged you"

Rae: "yea you did"

They both realized that Raven was still on top of Damian and their faces were close

BlueB: "Hey love birds Kori says it's time to go"

Raven got off Damian by the time he said that and blushed so hard.

Rae&Dami: *blushes but get mad* "WE ARE NOT LOVE BIRDS JAIME"

BlueB: "if you say so" *smirks and leaves*

Dami: *looks away* "I'm so-"

Rae: *cuts him off* "it was my fault I'm sorry" *walks behind Jaime quickly*

Dami: *walks behind them*

-back inside the tower and in Damian's room-

Damian's Pov

I kept trying to look away from Raven and out the window, I don't know what is happening to me. First I stare at her non stop then I tried to almost kiss her?! And now I can't get her off my mind! I have no idea what this is gosh. She was right.. I have been in those mountains for a long time.


Rae: "Here have some" *holds cotton candy in her hand*

Dami: *grabs a piece* "that taste like pure sugar"

Rae: "boy have you been up in those mountains a long time" *takes a bite off of the cotton candy*

Dami: *looks away*

Rae: "it was a joke, I wasn't criticizing"

Dami: "I knew it was a joke" *looks at her* "and if you knew me you wouldn't bother trying"

Rae: "I guess neither of our lives were very funny." *Looks away*

Dami: *looks at her*

-Flashback stops-

I threw myself on my bed and tried to clear my mind

Dami: "Maybe I just ate too much of that cotton candy and I am just really tired... Yea that's just it."

Come to think of it... I never laughed that hard before until I was with Raven......Ugh what is this stupid feeling?! Then the image of Raven and me at the Faris Weel popped up in my head.

Dami: *smiles while slowly closes his eyes*

What is this feeling that Damian feels, is it really the cotton candy and him just being tired or is it something more? Hehe hey guys it's me again, I hope you liked this I am trying to post every 2-3 days. Goodbye and I'll see you guys soon.👏💜

Damian meets his match// DamiraeWhere stories live. Discover now