He'd never really thought much about it before, because he'd only ever considered (F/N) his best friends, but she always was pretty cute. Her laugh was funny and cute too, and he always joined in laughing with her, even if he didn't know what the joke was; he was laughing simply because she was the one laughing. Her eyes were bright, and her smile was always full of joy. She was cute—more than cute.

A sudden thought crossed his mind, not only adding to the confusion, but darling the blush on his cheeks. He wasn't exactly used to his way of thinking.

What if he liked her?

He'd always thought he'd liked his ex, but it was clear to see by her new title that he never had. He'd just always looked at her and thought she was pretty, while also assuming she was nice and kind; after all, a king needed a suitable Queen, and he thought she was pretty, so he assumed he must have liked her. While she was nice around him—albeit clingy—and Mathias mostly liked that, (F/N) was something else. (F/N) was fun, more than his ex would ever be. (F/N) was strong and brave, and when Mathias hung around her he always felt happy. Even when she annoyed him, he always felt happy, never sad or truly bothered by her presence. His heartbeat quickened its pace.

Why was he only just realising this now? How could he only now see how amazing (F/N) was? She was the one he needed, and he was sure he couldn't ever survive without her. He didn't want to think of a world where she wasn't with him...

He loved her.

Before he knew it, the bell had gone for the end of the school day and he forgot to move, or even breathe, for a few seconds. He looked to the front of the room instantly and saw that (F/N) had already left. He stood up from his seat quickly, rushing past the students who were still loitering in the classroom. He looked down both ways of the hallways, yet he still couldn't see (F/N) among the students. He desperately darted his gaze around, while also making his way out to the front gate where she was guaranteed to be. Once he finally got there, he felt rain fall on his head. Students were carrying umbrellas and now it was even harder to see. He thought he briefly saw (F/N)'s (H/C) hair in the crowd of people and chased after it, but he quickly lost sight of it. He went on searching for quite a while, until finally giving up and walking in the direction of (F/N)'s house. He knew the street, since he lived only a street over from her, but he didn't know the number. But, not knowing one silly number wouldn't stop him from finding her because he'd go through every house if it meant finally getting to tell her how he felt.


(F/N) had been walking in the rain, no coat, no umbrella, just a simple hoodie. She felt cold, yet she didn't care. This was what the rest of her days would be like from now on, and she'd only get to be free if she survived. Even after that, what was she to do with her life? Just get a job and work? She had no aspirations, no dream to pursue. Her grades had been falling quickly, so even when she got out of school and moved on to get a higher education, she wouldn't have the grades to study anything. She'd have to retake her exams, but she'd been so dazed in her classes that she had no idea what they were even studying. Getting back on track would be difficult, even if she wasn't living with her parents. She'd need a lot of help.

Her mind suddenly drifted back to Mathias, back to the tutoring sessions she'd done with him. Although the lessons were few in number, they'd still—at least for the start—been fun and she'd learnt more than she ever did in class. She sighed again, her breathe coming out in puffy white steam that quickly disappeared. Even when she distanced herself from him as much as possible, he still managed to cling to her mind.

She arrived home, hoping to just go upstairs and not disturb anyone, yet despite her carefulness, she didn't manage to get away for the night. She delicately took her shoes off at the door as to not dirty the house with her shoe prints, and the. Made her way up the stairs quietly. Yet, as the reached the top, a piece of paper was shoved in her face rather harshly. She jumped slightly, being careful not to stumble back down the stairs, and looked up cautiously. It was her father, and he looked very cross. She looked briefly at the paper in front of her, and instantly recognised what was on it. Written out were school subjects, maths, science, literature, and written along side them were grades.

F, F, F.

She shrivelled back slightly as her father began to speak with a deep voice. Whenever he spoke like this, she'd done something very bad to upset him, and usually it resulted in his voice growing louder as he got more angry, and then beatings.

"What do you call this?" He asked—or rather demanded—loudly. (F/N) avoided eye contact.

"I-I'm sorry, I—" she paused as she fumbled with her words. She'd always wanted people to believe that she was brave, but now after her life and happiness had deteriorated so much, she couldn't keep it up anymore. She couldn't stop the tears that rolled down her cheeks as she desperately wished she could just go back to when she was at least a little happy with Mathias. As much as he'd hurt her, she still loved him, and she still wanted to be with him. Her father growled at her.

"I'm waiting for an explanation." He bellowed, yet (F/N) just sobbed, repeating 'I'm sorry', like she was a broken record. Her father clenched his fists, sick of the constant repeat of the words, and (F/N) felt his fist hit her cheek harshly. She fell backwards, having nothing to hold onto in the spur of the moment. She felt her back hit the stairs harshly, and the next thing she felt snap was her legs. She landed in a crumpled pile at the bottom of the stairs, her eyes still open. She almost looked dead, yet she'd still managed to hang on to life. She thought maybe she'd broken her neck or her spine, but the kicks she was receiving in the stomach told her that she could still feel everything below the neck perfectly. Tears continued to roll down her cheeks as her eyes began to close.

Her last thoughts; she just wished Mathias would save her.


Oh dear, Reader-Chan has fallen, and can't get up!
Unlike in my other books, this time most of her injuries were caused by a fall instead of mostly being caused by a parent, brother or father. I hope you all enjoyed, and if you spotted any mistakes, please do tell me.

Thank you for reading!

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