Chapter Eleven - Eisuke

Start from the beginning

"I didn't think I would ever see you say something like that." Ota says with a laugh, "I remember when she fell going up those flight of stairs trying to get up to the penthouse in Dubai." Baba says with a laugh, everyone shakes their head in unison ad my cheeks burn. "Baba!" I shout as I cover my cheeks with my cool hands.

"Kid's blushin' again." Mamoru says sluggishly and I glare at him, "Shut up you lazy ass cop!" I say with a glare and everyone chuckles again, "I like how she thinks she can get us to be quite like that." Ota says softly to Baba, who shakes his head with a signature smile on his face.

I shake my head and glare at them, "Whatever!" I say and look back over at Molly who is on the fourth step talking excitedly to Soryu. For a scary mob boss, he's pretty good with Molly. I find myself smiling at Soryu and at the kind way he smiles and talks with Molly. Little did I know that Eisuke was glaring at the tender expression I was giving. "Melody, are you going to stand there and gawk at Soryu or are you going to help us decorate this huge ballroom?" Ota says with a sneer and I quickly run over to him, "Oh... Of course!" I say softly as I grab one of the many boxes of decorations for the staircase.

I walk over to Soryu and Molly and sit the box by them, "Okay Molly! Shall we get started?" I ask and she shakes her head up and down. She bends down and grabs some of the lavender ribbon. She begins to rap the ribbon sloppily up the railing of the stair case. I shuffle in a laugh as I follow behind her fixing the ribbon so that way Ota doesn't get too mad at the mess. Soryu starts on the other side of the stair case and by the time I'm all the way up the stairs, Soryu hasn't even made it past the second step.

"Soryu! You are making a mess! Look the ribbon is wrapped all up in your legs and you put knots in it!" Ota shouts at him while they both try to straighten up the ribbon on the floor. I cover my mouth with the back of my hand as I start to giggle slightly. Ota gets too mad over the slightest things. I look at them both with a sweet smile and they stare at me.

"Mum! Uncle Ota is being mean to Uncle Soryu!" Molly shouts as she clings to my leg and I laugh some more slightly. "I know, it's okay though. It's how they show their love for one another." I say with a laugh and I still feel those two staring at me. Little did I know that everyone in the room was staring at Molly and I at the top of the stairs... Some people with kind eyes, others with blushing faces and one with a glare.

After a while they all call it a day and Baba decides to throw a pre-pre-party. I shake my head, "I think Molly and I should head home for a bit so we can get some stuff together." I say with a soft smile and Molly shakes her head, "I think that's a great idea!" Someone shouts. I turn around to see Eisuke smirking with his arms crossed in front of him. "I will take you both back so you can get some things." He says quickly and before I can object, he's already calling for the car to come around to the front of the hotel. I shake my head with a smile on my face, just like Eisuke to do whatever he wants without anyone else's consent.

Molly smiles as she sits on Baba's lap, "So Molly, do you like it here?" Baba asks her and her smile becomes wider. "Yeah! I want to live here all the time like you all!" She says happily and I smile at her, "Well maybe one day we can." I say and instantly everyone's eye are on me.

Molly's eyes get wide, "Really mum?" she asks with such a big grin and I shake my head yes, "I think maybe one day, if uncle Ei-su and I sit down and have a talk, we could be living here with everyone." I say with a soft smile and she runs up to me and hugs my legs. "I really want that to happen!" She says softly into my legs and I smile. It will I promise!

Little did I know the promise will take more from me than I intended...



I'M SO SORRY!!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!! I just have been going through a bunch of stuff and now I'm in college and it'll, hopefully, be easier for me to write and post more often! I have been struggling with this story a bit because I had an original direction I wanted it to go in, but that ended up being turned into something different. But hopefully I won't do something like that again and have to restart all over again with my planning! I will stay on the path I promise!! I hope to start typing on Fridays (I only have one class that day) and pulling all nighters into Saturday and revising that day too! So hope for more updates for this story with in the next week or so! I will still try and update on this coming Saturday too!!! So watch out everyone!!! I'm tying hard for you!!! 

So I have a question for everyone who is a fan of this fanfic! 

Which Kissed by the Baddest Bidder character do you like the best and why? 

If I like your answer enough you might get a mention in the next chapter! (You probably will!) 

Okay my wonderful readers! I hope you enjoyed this kinda shorter chapter! But I will hopefully see you all on Saturday!!!


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