1. MIA

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"I don't get what his problem is, Stef. He's an asshole. Albeit a good looking asshole, but an asshole nonetheless. I mean what does he want from me? How am I to do my job if he doesn't allow me to? He's such a jerk."

"Uh huh."

"What the fuck do you mean by uh huh?"

"I mean uh huh."

"Stef, I swear to God if you don't tell me what the fuck you meant by uh huh I'm going to kill you."

"How about using the internet? I swear you must be the most analog P.A. I've ever met."

"I might be analog but I still do my job better than you."

"Yet you can't figure out why that date is circled on that fine specimens calendar."

"Barfs. What is it with you and him?"

"Paxton? We slept together."

"Excuse me?"

"Well it was more raw fucking."

"I don't need to be hearing this."

"You asked."

"Are you the reason why he doesn't like female assistants?"

"Nah. That was before I even knew who Paxton Jr. was. I didn't even know his name when I slept with him."

"Spare me the details, okay?"

"You asked. You should just fuck him and get it out of your system."

"That is something that will never happen."

"I know you're attracted to him, Mia. You just do a better job than most women at hiding it."

"You're insane."

"Am I? I'll let you in on a little secret. Marc Paxton jr. was the best I've ever had, and I've had plenty of mind blowing sex. That man is a beast."

I covered my ears. "TMI Stef. TMI!"

"You need to stop acting like a virgin. You're twenty-nine years old. You're a grown woman. When was the last time you got some?"

"I am not discussing this with you. Besides, isn't he like fifty or something?"

"Forty actually, but that man doesn't look a day over thirty."

"Whatever. He's an asshole. That's the point I'm trying to make."

"Uh huh. Just think about it, sweetie. Maybe once you've fucked each other you'll starting working better together."

"I'm not going to have sex with him. He's my boss!"

"So the only reason you won't sleep with him is because he's your boss."

"That's not what I said!"

"It was implied. Anyhoo, let me know what you decide once you've decided it. I can give you few helpful tips."

"You're disgusting."


Stef left to do whatever it is Stef does all day. I'm surprised he hired her after sleeping with her. I made a mental note to ask why later. As far as I know he doesn't mix business with pleasure or have much pleasure time anyway. I should know. I do everything for the man. I even pick his son up from that evil mother of his. Okay, well she's isn't evil. I just don't have a high opinion of her because of what I've been told.

"Ms. St. Patrick, get in here!"

"You bellowed?"

"Get me a scotch!"

Handcuffed BossNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ