He picked up almost immediately. "Hi Joah."

"Hi sweet cheeks."

"Don't call me that."

"Don't call me Joah, then."

"Then what am I supposed to call you?"

I let out a chuckle. "Joachim."

"So, Joah, what's up?"

"Pretty much nothing. I'm done with my playlist though, so give me Tom's number." I bit a molested thumbnail—a habit that surfaced at the most inconvenient of times.

Chris laughed on the other end. "No can do, dude."

I pouted although I knew he couldn't see me. "Why not?"

"He'd gut me if he knew I'd given anyone his number."

I snorted. "Of course he wouldn't. Didn't strike me as the serial killer type."

"Met any serial killers recently?"

"Nope, I'm still alive." What a stupid question—it still made me smile, though.

"Then how would you know?"

"Shut up, sweet cheeks. Anyway, you had called. What's up?" If he didn't want to give me Tom's number, then I would make sure I saw him somehow. My mission wouldn't be complete otherwise.

"Nothing, just called because I was bored."

"Fine. Be that way. What are you doing tonight?"

Chris was never bored—he obviously tried to hide something. "Got this charity event to attend. The things I do for my boyfriend." He ended with a deep sigh. I didn't sigh, however. Sitting up straight in the chair, I scrolled through the playlist to stall for a second. I didn't want to come off as too needy. If Chris and his boyfriend were going somewhere, Tom would definitely be there.

I almost laughed at myself. It wasn't like I knew the guy or even wanted to know him much more beyond some instant gratification. Maybe I simply liked the idea of stalking someone for fun.

"I'll keep you company."

"You're not invited," he replied.

I could almost see him shake his head on the other side. "I'm totally invited."

"Are you?"

He was too easy to trick sometimes. "No, of course not, but I should be."

"Why? I mean, why would you want to go? These events are boring as hell."

"Well, that's because I was never invited."

"You are beyond conceited."

"You love it, sweet cheeks."

"I give up. I'll see what I can do."

I pumped my fist in the air with a huge grin on my face. "Pick me up. I'll be ready."

"Fine. But come over here instead, I'll lend you a suit or something. I have a few spare ones after last summer."

I took my sweet time getting ready, styling my hair to perfection and hiding the thin red scar on my temple with some make-up. I debated if I could get away with some subtle eyeliner, but other guys were sometimes iffy about that—especially the straight ones. Tom could be straight, but then again, it wouldn't hurt to nudge him a bit to see if he swung my way or wanted to experiment. He hadn't seemed too bothered at the gay club last night.

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