First date🌷

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Romeo's POV
I woke up and took a bath etc.
(A/N sorry I was to busy writing everything)
And I went to school
Wendy's POV
Mom woke me up and I took a bath etc. and go to school
(School ended)
Romeo's POV
I waited for Wendy "ohayo Romeo"a cute voice said I looked back and I saw Wendy "ohayo Wendy"I said "where are we going?"Wendy ask"at hill side"I said "ohhh"Wendy said
(At the hill side)
Romeo's POV
"Wendy can I ask you something?"I ask"sure"she said"can you be my girlfriend"I ask"yes"she said

High school love😍😍😍Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat