Log Date 3/1/2010

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Log Date 3/1/2010, Day one of Plastic Beach. 

I got this recording device from Stuart, he was incredibly upset when I took it from him but I saw him crying for help on it. So it's mine now, he has to record the album whether he likes to or not. Master or Murdoc, always tells me to wake up before him to look for this Boogeyman. What is the Boogeyman gonna do? Try to have a dance off? He ain't got a chance against me anyways so why does Master care so much? Well if he does challenge me to a dance off, I'd best download some moves onto my hard drive.

I do my daily patrols of the beach, making sure no one escapes. Specifically that Stuart or 2D fellow, he yells at me when I call him by his name. Why does he care so much about what I call him? At least I don't call him face-ache or a twat like Master wants me to, I won't cause I am a professional not like Master. I wish I didn't have to call him that, it's like he has a weird thing for being called that. Anyways I keep being demanded to apparently stop trying to replace Noodle. Stuart always yells that at me, I don't even know why. Sometimes it would be nice if I could smack him or something, but Master always says that I can't because I need to let him do it.     

I wish I could learn who this Noodle is, Master keeps being so hesitant about telling me and whenever I ask Stuart he always comes up with some snide remark like "Better than yew!" or "Someone who'll replace yew soon enough"  he's always shaky when he yells at me, he thinks I'll hit him or something. Maybe I should hit him one of these days so he'd stop backtalking me. But I have to admit, he's kinda cute when he's trying to be all tough and mighty, he's like a little puppy barking.

The mid-afternoon is the best time, I get to take a hour break. I get to do whatever I want. I normally do nothing. Well I try finding some guitar playing skills on my hard drive along with fighting moves, but most the time, I just charge. That's only if someone tries to escape or if Master makes me does my patrol a million times over because he's paranoid about the Boogeyman. 

Sometimes I try striking up a conversation with the collaborators, they normally seem freaked out when I try to talk to them. They always think I'm gonna force them to do something they don't want to do. So I'll talk to Stuart and try to learn more of what happened before I was programmed and made. He seems like he's someone who'd tell me if I threatened him or became a friend, of course I won't be too friendly to him. I am just a robot, not someone's pal or  buddy. I'll probably not even need to befriend that bluenette, just scare him enough to tell me what happened before my creation. I'll record it so I can download anything I should memorize.

                                                                               3rd person pov

"Log Date 3/1/2010 14:30pm. I'm about to talk with Stuart" Cyborg leaned and talked into her recorder. She walked up to a unsuspecting 2D, and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and seemed rather annoyed "Yea, Cyborg? Do I hav' to record a song or somefing?" She shook her head 'no', "I wanted to talk to you about what happened before I was created" she was very upfront about it, he looked at her even more annoyed "Look, luv. If yew wan' to know so badly, why don't yew just ask Murdoc?" he stated coldly. She glared at him "Don't you think I've tried?", he felt the glare and shivered "Well, wut will I git in return?" he crossed his arms, smirking at the cyborg. "The amazing feeling that you helped out a cyborg in need?" she couldn't think of anything to say besides that lame excuse. "Well, yew could grab me som' painkillers" he nudged her "I'll be broken for parts if I got those! Especially for someone like you." She started to twitch in anger "Well then I guess yew'll never know what happened before you were made" he put his hands on his hips, looking at the little cyborg. Cyborg grabbed his shirt collar and glared at him, pulling him down to her level. "Listen, I will learn about what happened before me" She smirked normally how Murdoc does when he's about to beat 2D to a pulp "You're pretty nice looking, it'd be a shame if someone changed that" she had some regret in her eyes for being such an ass but she NEEDS to know, she can't just wait around for Murdoc to tell her. He pushed her away from him, she glared at him even more than before. The force of pushing her away knocked him back since he literally pushed a large piece of metal back. She twitched even more, "Hm, just wait till I tell Master about your incompetence to listen to your superior and pushing me" She got into a sassy pose that 5 year olds get into after finding out something they could tattle on their siblings for. She smirk and chuckled "Wait till he hears! You may have just have dug your own funeral" she taunted him "Wait! Yew don't need to tell 'im!" he whined grabbing her leg "Then, will you tell me what happened before I was made?" She smirked, she just played this boy without a problem. "You'll have to tell me tomorrow, my break is about over. Come here at 14pm, Sharp" She looked at her nails like she actually cared about them. She walked off, she lost her emotion and she turned off the recorder.

Log Date 3/1/2010 15:30

Patrol, Patrol, Patrol. That's all I ever do, yeah I shoot some pirates now and again but it's just getting bland to me. I feel some weird feeling after I demanded Stuart to tell me everything. Maybe it was his fear? Maybe it was my coldness? Maybe my mother board is getting hacked. Kami, I hope not. Master says I have to report to him everyday at 00am, which is midnight. I wish he programmed me to understand normal time instead of military time but I can't argue, cause I'll always lose against Master. He'll know if I record our conversations, so I'd best leave this in my room. 

A/N: SO that was the first chapter, did y'all like it? Did I do the 2D voice completely wrong? And sorry if 2D was out of character here but since he is without his meds he is really sassy with everyone. Also

Kami = God 

If you didn't know


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