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I walk in the school with my head held low. I hear people silence and start giggling and pointing and whispering about probably me. One of the girls didn't care that i was listening and started yelling. "She was the one that slept with the stupid English teacher"!!!!!!!! I start to say that that was not true but she cuts me off. "why are you trying to deny it? Huh? What are you trying to deny"? I start to have tears in my eyes as i reply..... "I-i d-d-d-on't know w-what y-you a-re talking about"? Te the hall became chanting... "You are a slut, you are a slut, you are a slut, you are a slut". they just would never leave me alone. I just give up and walk through the people with my head don and tears leaving a path where i had gone. I give up on life. i walk home, through the door and luckily my parents are sleeping. I creep up the stars and into my bathroom finding my blade and cutting heaps until i get a phone call from the school saying thati had to come back immediately. I sighed and hung up and grabbed my things again then walked out the door driving back to school. When i gt in every one is in class what is good. I walk down the hall to the principles office only to see the English teacher with tears in his eyes but turns around as i walk through the door and take a seat. then the principle starts talking.... "How could you sleep with him"? i say to him tat we didn't and i swear with my life but she says.. "every single person in this school saw you having sex with the teacher at break time"!!!!! my mouth fly's open and says to check the security footage. Sure enough there it is but we never did. "What The Fuck"!!!! I snap and the men turn there faces and eventually the principle says.... "I have made my decision". he looks at me and then he starts talking. "you are expelled, and you are fired"!!! I look at my long ago English teacher and he has the same expression. But the principle looks angry. "OUT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jezz the whole school could of heard that. i slowly get up and walk out and go home only to see my parents with gun wound and lying on the floor. i gasp and call the ambulance and police scared. i then remember that we have security cameras so i go to the footage on my phone, seeing both of them standing there with guns in there hands counting down from 10. i shut my phone down when i hear some sirens and run down stars. i tell them what happened and then the police told me to pack my things. i was going to an orphanage. Great, not the sarcasm? i pack my small Nike duffel bag and go back to the police car as he drives me to the orphanage. when we get there he takes me in and the lady was nice and made me fill in a sheet saying things about me that she can put things in my file. i finish and the police man drives away b after he is gone the nice young lady changed. "I wish you gt adopted fast because i don want a little slut like you at sunny-side road orphanage"!!!! I walk upstairs to my room. As i walk in I see 2 girls in there talking. i suddenly relise some thing. one of the girls is.....


Ohhhhhh, who do you think that it is...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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