"That bitch."

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Theodore POV:

Today is the day my Ex wife marries Draco Malfoy... and the bitch had the nerve to invite Hermione, Fred, George, Luna, Daphne, Blaise, and I. We all were allowed a plus one, so I'm bringing my new girlfriend, Susan Bones. Fred and Hermione are livid because Draco asked to have Ember sing at the reception. "That bitch." Pansy seethes after being told by Fred about what Draco asked of Ember, "I'll kill her." Luna says ignoring the disapproving looks from her wife. "Ember agreed to it. She said she would sing as long as she got to pick the song." Hermione informs us walking back into the room. "At least you don't have five kids who have to watch their slag mother marry their friends father." I say with a laugh, handing Kendall to Susan. 

"Theo, Love. I think we should head on over to the reception unless you want to be late." Susan says tickling Kendall with one hand. "Susan's right, We really should be going." Hermione says grabbing two of the four baby carriers that belong to her and Fred and giving Fred a look to pick up the other two. "Let's go to my whore sisters second wedding!" Daphne exclaims rushing all of the other kids into the bus we had to rent. I take Kendall from Susan and get on the bus, silently sitting down in the seat beside Mione. "Well, Are you ready to watch our ex's get married?" I ask her looking down, "Yes, Mainly because I have four infants who will most likely cry the entire time, identical twin prank queen twelve year old daughters who will more that likely pull a prank at the wedding, and then my lovely Ember who has chosen to sing 'Wrecking ball' for her song." Hermione says with what can only be described as a Weasley smirk on her face. I smile back at her and move seats to sit with Susan. 

*Time Skip to wedding*

 As soon as all of us (plus our kids) had gotten out of the bus and into the chapel we are greeted by Astoria and Daphne's father who gives Daphne a disappointed look and says "Well, You know you could have your inheritance anytime you decide that you are ready to settle down with a young MAN and live the way a pure blood should." while glaring at Luna who has a look of triumph on her face, "Mr. Greengrass, As much as I love having you for a father-in-law, We wouldn't want to miss Astoria's wedding... The second wedding. But while we are on that topic I would love to point out the fact that Daphne and I have been together for nearly fifteen years and married eleven years, While Astoria has been married for a total of six years, got knocked up her fifth year, and is now marrying the man who she cheated on her former husband with. So, You have no right to judge Daphne's lifestyle choice, at least she isn't a bloody slag." Luna finishes with a smile, grabs Daphnes hand and pulls her right past Mr. Greengrass who looks shocked that Loony Lovegood just talked to him that way. 

 I laugh and Mr. Greengrass glares at me before noticing my arm draped around Susan's shoulders. "Mr. Nott, What a pleasure it is to see you again. Have you finally came around and decided to give Astoria her children?" he asks eyeing my five children, "No, She will not be getting any of OUR children." Susan says wrapping her arms around Reed and Dillion in a protective way, and handing Kendall to Abe. Susan then turns to me kisses me on the cheek, then walks right pas my ex father-in-law, my children in tow. "Well, I suppose you will be telling my daughter that you have another slag raising my grandchildren?" He says glaring at me, before I can say anything Hermione hands George her two baby carriers and walks right up to Mr.Greengrass, "Sir, I suggest you not talk about my friend that way... Considering I'm the Grooms Ex Wife and have photographic evidence that could cost Mr. Draco Malfoy half his empire." Hermione says flashing him a smile before telling her two oldest daughters to take the babies into the seating area and to find Susan. 

"Miss. Granger-" Mr. Greengrass starts but is cut off by Fred "It's, Mrs. Weasley." "Well, Mrs. Weasley. I would like it if you would mind your own business because Astoria is carrying the first Malfoy heir!" Mr. Greengrass says looking proud. "That is false." Blaise says pointing at Ember who is standing straight backed, silver eyes trained on Mr. Greengrass. "Impossible... but that would make the child a Half blood!" Mr. Greengrass says looking the beautiful girl up and down. "Oi, I would like it very much if you would take your creepy old perv man eyes off me." Ember says before stalking past him to go find her sisters. Mr. Greengrass starts to say more but realizes he is outwitted and might as well give it up.  Everyone walks in and gets seats, we wait about twenty minuets before Draco walks in and looks shocked that we actually showed up. "Well, We didn't really expect any of you to show up." he says looking over all of us, but freezing when he sees Hermione and Fred trying (and failing) to calm Andrus, Blaine, Charlie, and Octavia. 

"Hello, Malfoy." Hermione says handing one of the three identical boys over to Blaise and then Octavia over to George. "Gran-Weasley." Draco says looking at Hermione in shock. "I assume Ember wrote you telling you she would sing?" "Yes, she did. but she also signed her note as Weasley, and will not go by anything other than Miss. Weasley, at school." "Well, Her name is Ember Weasley." Hermione says with a fierce look that If Draco was smart, he wouldn't question. "What ever helps you sleep at night, Hermione." is all Draco says before looking at Hermione and Freds newest additions to their constantly growing family.  "Well, Weasley. They look like you... Except the little girl. She looks like that one boy who played Quidditch for Hufflepuff back at Hogwarts." "It's because she's not ours. She was left on our front steps so we took her in." Fred says with a sharp glare at Malfoy.

*Time Skip; I do*

"You may kiss the bride." as soon as those words are said, Draco leans in pecks Astoria on the lips then pulls away as if he had tasted something sour. Every one is taken to a different room and asked to take a seat. After everyone is seated Astoria stands up and begins to speak, "Now, My step daughter will be blessing us all with her amazing voice." while she's speaking I notice how she almost spats the word's 'Step daughter'. Ember stands up and goes to the front and picks up the mic and says "Well, I only agreed to sing if I could pick the song... So here is my song to the bride and groom." the  music for 'Wrecking Ball' begins to play and Ember starts to sing.. the people who came to the wedding look amazed that such a big voice can reside in such a small girl. After the song is over everyone claps for Ember but all she does is toss the mic at Draco and walk over to Fred and Hermione and asks very loudly "Mum, Dad? How did I do?" Fred looks at her with a smile "You did amazing, Darling." and Hermione tells me that they think we should leave. "Hold on. I need to do something first." I say to Hermione and grab Susans hand. I lead Susan until we are right in front of the table that Astoria is seated at with her family. I then drop down on one knee and ask Susan "Will you marry me?" she smiles at me and says "Yes." I stand up, kiss her, and yell at Hermione "WE CAN LEAVE NOW!" 

Susan Bones 

Susan's ring

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Susan's ring

Susan's ring

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