I flinched from the pain but it started to ease.

After sitting there for a while I finally brung myself to talk.

"So are you letting me go anytime soon?" I asked.

"No. I don't plan on it. I don't want you to leave me just yet... But I promise I won't hurt you... I only get mad if you don't listen to me.." He trailed off.

What did I do to deserve this?

Why did it have to be me?

"Am I supposed to sit here all day and do nothing?" I asked.

"Nah, I have a pool in the back of out want to go for a swim."

"I don't have anything to swim in." I said looking down at the oversized white t-shirt I had on.

"You have on a bra and underwear right?" I nodded.

"There you go then." He said as he helped me up.

He led me downstairs to the back screen door and opened it.

There was a medium sized pool that went to 8 feet. I walked over to it and he stood behind me so I looked at him.

"Oh, you want me to go?"

I nodded.

And finally I was alone, even though I knew he was still watching me.

I quickly took off the large shirt I had and jumped into the deep side.

Then I thought of something.

Maybe I can pretend that I drowned, and he'll think I'm dead. Then he'll take me to the hospital and I could finally go back home.

I continued to hold my breathe, but he wasn't coming.

After about 30 seconds I REALLY was about to drown because I had no more air.

I heard a loud splash and I got picked up from behind.

His abs and his muscles...
I felt them.

I let out tiny breathes that wasn't loud enough for him to hear as we reached the surface.

"Nola!?" He yelled into my ear. I didn't say anything I made my body seem limp and lifeless.

"Come on, I know your not dead." He said, but I still didn't move, hoping the plan would still work.

"Fine then, I'll just have to bury you with the rest." That's when I shot up.

"IM ALIVE. IM ALIVE." I shouted, I heard him chuckle as he put me in his arms bridal style. He carried me over to one of the pool chairs and layed me out on it.

It was freezing outside. I started shivering and my teeth were chattering.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

What kind of stupid question was that? I know you see me shaking.

"No shit Sherlock." I mumbled.

An angry look caught his eye once again and his body twitched a little bit.

He pulled me up by my arms and forced me inside the house and up the stairs. He pushed me into the room and onto the mattress and left slamming the door.

I sat there not knowing what was gonna happen next.

But I was shook from my thoughts by him busting back into the room causing me to jump a little but this time he was wearing black jeans, no shirt , and his hair was dangling down into his face.

"Nola, when are you going to learn to control that smart ass mouth of yours?" He whispered in my ear.

He pinned my arms above my head and started to unhook my bra.

"No! I was joking!" I said loudly.

"We don't joke in my house, obviously you need to be taught a lesson." He smirked as he pulled my underwear down with one quick move.

"Wait! You promised me you wouldn't hurt me!" I yelled causing him took look at me like I was crazy.

"I would never say no shit like that, I brung you hear for a reason."He said.

He tried to open my legs but I forced them together, causing him to slap my thigh, hard, making me loosen up.

He forced my legs open and looked down at me with an evil smirk on his face.

I felt completely embarrassed and exposed. I was not about to get raped, not today, not any day.

He began unzipping his pants but it got stuck.

Coincidence right?

I made a run for it and ran into his room and got under his bed.

Stupid idea, I know. Everyone knows you always get found under there! The killer walks away and right when you think he's gone, he pulls you from under the bed.

I'm going to die.

Kidnapped (Jahseh Onfroy 🖤)Where stories live. Discover now