My Mate's Choice 23

Start from the beginning

"Why are you not asleep?"

"I can't."

I heard Valerie sigh and then said, "I know you're worried but you need to have your rest. If you're sick for not having enough rest, you won't be able to save Beatrix."

"I..." I stopped. "I regret every single thing that I have done to her," I broke down. I've trusted Valerie all these while and even now that she's not my girlfriend anymore, I just knew I could still trust her.

"I should have taken care of her and her feelings but instead I did not. I hurt her so badly," I continued and looked down on my lap as I let the tears stream down my face.

"Don't say like that Calvin," I heard Valerie say quietly, "You're making me feel guilty too because I was involved in it. I was the reason why you did all that to Beatrix. I'm really sorry for making the two of you separated like this now."

"No, it's not your fault. It's mine," I insisted.

"No, it's mine. I already knew that something was going on between the two of you because I always scent Beatrix on you whenever you got home. But I didn't want to raise up any matter because I want you to be honest to me but you did not and that's when I let you carried on hurting Beatrix."

"But it was my..."

"No Calvin. You did those because you didn't want to hurt me. If you said it's your fault, then it's both of our faults," Valerie finalized.

I remained quiet. There was no point in arguing whose fault it was because right at this moment, Beatrix still wasn't here and no matter how much I said it was my fault, I wouldn't be able to bring Beatrix back.

"You need to be strong Calvin," Valerie said and then got up to give me a hug. A long one. "You need to be strong for Beatrix. You were there when I was down after what happened two years ago and I want you to know that you can depend on me even if not much. I want to be there for you and I promise I will help you make it up to Beatrix."

"Thank you," I said a short while later and hugged her back. "Thank you Valerie."

We hugged each other tightly, for a long time but I did feel the hug was more of a sister and a brotherly hug. We remained like that until we heard a soft knock on the door and we immediately pulled away from each other.

"Who's that?" Valerie asked.

"I don't know. You stay here and I'll check," I told her and wanted to go to the front door when Valerie stopped me.

"You're not going there alone. We don't know who's there and what if it will cause us harm?" Valerie whispered-yelled.

"I'll go check and you go up and wake some people up," I told her, "Go!"

"Calvin!" Valerie wanted to stop me but I continued towards the front door. The knock wasn't very heard but the gaps between the knocks gave me an idea that the person who was knocking was knocking it weakly.

I opened the door slightly and then felt like there was a weight pushing the door. The next thing I knew it was the door being pushed wide open and someone's body collapsed right in front of me. I stepped back immediately at the same time when someone flicked the lights on.

Soon enough, the Alpha, Luna, my brother, a few men and Valerie was with me, circling the collapsed guy. Alpha Eddie instructed one of the men to turned the collapsed guy over. We were surprised at the amount of scars and blood that was covering his body.

"Matt?" Valerie said softly before kneeling down next to the guy.

"Valerie move. This guy might be a threat," Sean told her but she ignored him and screamed.

"No! He's my mate. Matt wake up!"

The rest of us exchanged glances.


I was sleeping on the couch when I heard someone yelled, "Where the fuck is she?"

I was still blurred from my disturbed sleep but I was totally awake when I was being yanked up from the couch by my arm, causing me to wince.

"What the fuck did you do?" Carlos yelled into my face.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, crying as I tried to free myself from him.

"Let her go Carlos," another voice came and I definitely knew who it belongs to.

"Gabriel, please. My arm is hurting," I begged to him and the next second I knew was Gabriel yanked me from Carlos. The arm that Carlos gripped now had his fingertips marks on it. Gabriel pulled me into hug or more like hiding my face into his chest while he scolded Carlos about accusing and being harsh.

I heard Carlos stomped away and then quietly, I whispered to Gabriel, "What is going on?"

He didn't answer but instead pulled me to somewhere else, where then I realized was his room. "Matt is missing," Gabriel said and I could feel my heart thumping so loudly but I tried to maintain it.

I remained quiet, not knowing what to answer as so that it wouldn't be so obvious that I had done so. "And Carlos is accusing me?"

"Yes," Gabriel said and then let out a sigh. I didn't know what to say but instead I looked down on the floor and rubbed my wounded arm.


You guys were so amazing the previous chapter :) Thanks for voting and commenting. Keep them coming because I love them a lot <3

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