Chapter 3

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Rayne's POV

I wake up this morning feeling depressed. I don't know why I feel this way but I deal with it, like everything else. I hop into the shower, making sure to wash everywhere. Once im out and dry I go over to my closet to pick out my outfit for today. I decide to wear a Peirce the Veil t-shirt with black skinny jeans along with black Jordans. I love my some Jordans. After I finish getting dressed I quickly do my makeup, applying eyeliner under my eyes. Once im finished with that I run a brush through my hair, and since its already straight I just shake it out to make it look shaggy.

Since im happy with my appearance I grab my phone before shoving it in my pocket and then swinging my back pack over my shoulder and running down the stairs. When I reach the kitchen I notice that's its quiet, I sigh. Im home alone, Dad's must have had a early morning for work. I laugh evilly as I snatch a chocolate muffin out of the fridge. Usually my Dad's don't let me eat junk food in the morning or afternoon because its 'bad for you' but im feeling dangerous today.

Once im finished with my muffin I pull out my phone to check the time and I see that its 7am, I sigh... Time to go to the hell hole I call school. I head out to my car putting my keys in the ignition and starting it up. When I pull out into the road I finally realize that I get to see Liam today. My mood completely changes from depressed to estatic. For some reason I am looking forward to seeing Liam, the beautiful boy I call my first love.

I pull into the school feeling very jumpy and excited. I park in my usual parking space in the back of the parking lot, not wanting to draw any attention to me but once I shut my door and lock my car someone punches me and I fall to the ground. I put my fingers to my cheek, feeling blood. I look up to see Brian, my constant bully. He is on the soccer team, has blonde hair and blue eyes, and has a very religious family. He thinks im a sin, so of course he would try to beat the 'gay' out of me.

Brian looks down at me with a look of complete disqust, "Hey fag boy. Any new boyfriends today you little slut?" I go to answer him but before I could he kicked my side, I hear a crunch from my rip cage and the air gets knocked out of me. I clutch my ribs. Brian simply laughs as he stares down at me, "No answer slut?" I start to get angry and I try to stand up but as I get on my knees Brian punches me in the mouth. I fall to the ground again and I spit out the blood in my mouth.

He sneers at me as he leans down so he's in my face and he whispers, "You deserve to die you ungrateful..." But before Brian could finish his sentence someone pulled him from behind and threw him to the ground, but didn't stop there. The boy sat on top of Brian so he couldn't get away and began punching him so hard in his face, and ribs. Basically where it would hurt most. The boy shouted, "DONT EVER HURT RAYNE AGAIN!" And I automatically recognized the voice to belong to Liam. I cant believe Liam would save me... Wow.

Liam gets up off of Brian and I see that he is a bloody mess but no one goes to help him. Liam quickly comes to my side kneeling down next to me and inspecting the damage on my ribs and face. When he touches my skin I don't feel pain, all I feel are those tingling sensations. I close my eyes loving his touch and Liam caresses my cheek so I open my eyes. I smile, "Thank you Liam."

He frowns, "Why are you saying thank you???" I chuckle before answering him, "For doing what I couldn't do... kicking Brian's ass." Liam chuckles, "Any time Rayne... But are you hurt?" I shake my head before going to sit up but I wince and Liam senses that and picks me up in his arms as If I weighed nothing. I blush as everyone stares at us with confusion as Liam carries me inside the school, probably taking me to the nurse.

Once we arrive at the nurse's office he sets me down on one of the beds and goes into the back where Mrs.Lynch proably was. Seconds later Liam comes back with Mrs.Lynch. When her eyes land on my she shrieks rushing over to me, "What happened to you Rayne?" I've known her for a long time, since freshman year. I come here every week because of kids always beating me up. I sigh, "Brian." She nodded her head understanding, then she pulled me into a gentle hug. I smile, her hugs are very homey.

Mrs.Lynch pulls back and begins inspecting my ribs, and face while mumbling about how stupid and awful Brian is. She looks up at me and frowns, "It looks like you have two broken ribs, and your right cheek bone is badly bruised but your lip will heal soon, which is good." I sigh, "That's just great..." Liam comes over to sit next to me and he embraces me in his arms. He whispers to me, "Im sorry this has happened to you..." I laugh bitterly, "Its my fault."

Liam pulls back and looks at me with confusion lacing his features, "It is definitely not your fault Rayne." I shake my head, "It is. If I wasn't gay then I wouldn't be the most hated person at school or the jocks' punching bag." Liam's eyes fill with anger and he takes my face gently in his hands and says, "Being gay is an amazing thing Rayne." His face leans in closer to mine and my breathing picks up. I pant, "Why?" He chuckles and huskily whispers, "Because I get you all to myself.."

Before I could answer Liam pressed his lips against mine. His lips worked with mine, making sparks fly. He licks my lower lip asking for enterence and I grant it immediately. Liam thrusts his tongue into my mouth and then moans at the taste of me. I suck his tongue, groaning from the sexy moan that came from Liam. Our tongues battle for dominace, and my hands find their way into Liam's hair, and his hands cup my ass. Everytime he moans, groans or squeezes me I tug on his hair.

A clearing of a throat makes us pull away. I look up with wide eyes to see Mrs.Lynch smiling widly at us, "Sorry for interrupting your ummm.. moment but the princable will be up here in a few minutes to talk to both of you." I nod and Liam asks her a question, "Which princabel?" She pauses and then answers him, "Mr.Lennox will be coming to talk to you both."

I hear Liam sigh with relief. I look over at him confused but he just grins and caresses my cheek with his finger tips before lightly pecking my lips. I sigh from the contact, but I groan when he pulls away. I glare at him but he just laughs, "Sorry Rayne..." I roll my eyes, "You will be sorry!" Liam chuckles, "Is that a threat Rayne?" I pause before grinning, "Nope its a promise." Liam leans in to kiss me again but the door to the nurse's office opens and Mr. Lennox walks in.

My body tenses from just seeing him.. Mr. Lennox honestly scares the shit out of me, and I would be damned if I ever thought about messing with him or treating him with disrespect. Liam feels my worry and he takes my hand in his and kisses it. I look at Mr. Lennox to see him smiling at us. He coughs and looks at me, "Tell me what happened earlier." I stutter, "Well I got to school a-and well B-brian came up to me once I got o-out of my c-car and then he punched me and I fell to the ground... he called me a slut and said I shouldn't be alive, and he kicked me in the ribs, and punched me again... then Liam s-saved me."

Mr. Lennox nodded and wrote that down on a note pad and then he looked at Liam, "Why did you step in and save Rayne?" Liam smiles at me and answers, "Because I really like him and no one deserves to be beaten because they are gay, or because they are different then other people." Mr. Lennox nods approvingly before looking back at me with apologetic eyes, "Im so sorry that Brian did this to you. I assure you that no harm will come to you anymore, and I will file a police report and I understand if you want to sue him." I nod my head, "Thank you Mr.Lennox sir." Mr. Lennox smiles at me and then winks at Liam before walking out.

I didn't realize I was shaking until Liam told me, "Baby whats wrong? Your shaking." I shake my head, "Nothing." He frowns, "Was it me?" I laugh, "Definitly not you.. I just get all nervous around Mr. Lennox." Liam nods, "A lot of people tell me that about my dad." My eyes pop out of my head, "Mr. Lennox is your dad?!?!" He laughs and nods, "Yup! By the way he likes you."

Confusion washes over me, "How is he your dad when your Liam Porter and he's Mr. Lennox? and how do you know he likes me?" Liam simply chuckles at me before answering me, "Lennox is my dad's name, he has people call him Mr. Lennox instead of Mr. Porter. And I know he likes you because I told him I was gay this morning and he was fine with it and then I told him about you, and then he started talking about how good of a kid and student you are, and how he's never had any trouble with you."

I blush from his fathers compliments, "That's nice of him to say. But I don't understand why he wouldn't want to be called Mr. Porter." Liam laughs before telling me why, "He says he dosnt want people to know we are realted! But I know that he just dosnt like being all formal." I laugh along with him, "That's pretty funny." He nods, "Yes I know, hes a laugh riot. So Rayne tell me about your parents."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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