Ch.8 Surprise Surprise

Comenzar desde el principio

I stood and faced Zoe, who in turned kneeled. I barely managed to stop myself from grimacing, I hate formalities.

I spoke the words I was forced to memorize by my mother Lethe, “I have taught you everything I know, every technique and skill I have ever learned or created. You have passed my goals and expectations and are now considered my equal. There is more for you to learn, but I cannot teach you, for you must learn it for yourself. You have spent many years training under me and now I release you from my teachings,”

She stood and looked at me seriously. Then she cracked a smile and I burst out laughing.

“Gods, I hate formalities,” I said making my parents laugh.


The gates of Hades’ palace opened slowly and menacingly as we walked through. My mothers decided to tell Hades about who I am and why there would be a new domain in the Underworld. I was supposed to be dead, so I was a little cautious on how Hades would react. The Furies glared at us from above the gates but did not attack.

I walked into the palace with confidence; I was a Primordial, who was actually going to attack me? Zoe, not so much, she kept a grip on her hairpin and looked for any possible threats. I didn’t blame her, we were in unfamiliar territory.

“Wait, Zoe, lets scare Hades first,” I suggested grinning manically. She sent me a scathing look at how I was acting but still pulled her hood over her face. I did the same.

We entered the throne room, and faced Hades who glowered at us next to Persephone’s empty throne. We stood in front of him, neither bowing nor showing any sign of respect. Hades finally cracked, “Who are you, and why have you trespassed into my domain?” he bellowed angrily.

I gave a quick glance and nod to Zoe, “Hades, we bring news of the new god and domain that lies within the Underworld. I know that the Fates have told you about it and swore you to secrecy, but for you to know more, you must swear to never reveal the information I give you on the River Styx,” said Zoe.

Hades looked thoughtful as he sat back in his throne, “How will I know you are telling the truth?” he finally said after a moment of thinking.

“I swear on the River Styx that everything we say is true,” I finally spoke up. Hades turned his gaze to me before sighing, “Fine, I swear to keep the information I learn today a secret and to not tell anybody unless I have permission to do so,”

My aura flared when he said that, but Hades did not seem to notice.

“For starters, you have learned about the new domain, correct?” Hades nodded, “This domain is called the Heart of the Rivers, for it is the collection of the five rivers,” Zoe said.

“Which five riv-that’s impossible! They are never to meet, it goes against ancient laws!” Hades yelled out, furious that we were lying to him. We both glared at him until he realized that the Styx hadn’t claimed our souls.

“Continue,” he sighed after a moment of indecision.

“The five rivers created a new domain, which in turn created a new Primordial, now Hades, who was the last person to come in contact with all five rivers at once?” Zoe asked, trying to hide a smile that I saw clearly under her hood.

For a second, Hades expression was confused but it slowly changed into an expression of hope.

“Perseus?” he asked

I only grinned as I slung my hood back

“Hello Uncle,”


So this chapter was kind of rushed, but I’m trying to set up the storyline. I have a poll set up on but on wattpad, just comment,

Which story should I update next week, Son of the Rivers or The Beginning of All?

Tell me your answer!

This chapter is dedicated to @NancySanda for making me two awesome covers!

Go check out Lord of the Eclipse, cowritten by me and @Fairytailfanforlife, we need more reads!!!



Son of the Rivers (Wattys 2015 Entry)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora