- K.. Kya? KYA!?... what's going on, Swara!!!!????

He could barely mumble in his still sleepy yet fearful voice... she turns toward him pointing to the aside room shaking and manages to say:

- Wo... wo... Saras... Saras kaha hai!

Rolling his eyes dramatically, he lets himself fall on his pillow back whispering in a sigh of relief:

- Arey yaar!!! You scared the hell of me!

Just then a small voice rises from his side in a sleepy lazy exasperated tone:

- Arey yaar... have you finished you both!?

The little boy sits up his eyes still closed and his cute mouth wide opened stiffening a loud yawn in that small duplicate figure of his dad aside, same t shirt, same pants, same yummy look at the wakening!

The little boy sits up his eyes still closed and his cute mouth wide opened stiffening a loud yawn in that small duplicate figure of his dad aside, same t shirt, same pants, same yummy look at the wakening!

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- I told you papa, na? mumma will be scared not finding me in bed!

Hurrying toward the bed, swara just picks him up in her arms almost crashing the poor Sanskar under her weight who gives her weird look expressing his disagreement! how lucky is his son! How unlucky he is!

The small boy wraps his arms around her neck saying joyfully:

- Good morning mumma!

- Good morning beta!

He frowns seeing her shining with tears eyes and wipes them with his tiny thumbs saying:

- Arey... why those tears? I'm just here hai na?

He gives his father an eloquent glare his small nostrils inflating with anger as she asks him smiling:

- How can you scare your mumma this way, Saras, ha?

- It's not my fault... papa kept me with him!

Sanskar sits up back complaining childishly:

- what? But... how dare you little monster, isn't you who came here by your own!?

- Ha ha... but I was searching for Mumma... not my fault if you married and over protective drama queen!

- Ha ha... look at who is complaining just there in his Mumma's arms!

- Papa!!!!

- kya papa... Admit it Mumma's boy!!

- Mumma's boy yourself!

The small boy snaps back tightening his hold around his mother's neck showing his tongue out which makes Swara laugh at her both "men" daily show!

- main!? Main, mumma's boy??? I'm not the one glued to his mother here!

- EXACTLY!!! Because You're always glued to MY mother!

Sanskar's eyes almost pop out from their orbs making swara giggle more saying between her laughs:

[Swasan]: If this is your love, my Prince... Then, please hate me!Where stories live. Discover now