I love you...not your sister *Paul Lahote Love Story*

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Sup I’m Dallas Elisabeth Ross. Yes I know I have a boy’s name, but I don’t care. I have no friends because of my twin sister, Melissa. She started hating me in the 8th grade because I “tried” to get with her “boyfriend” Alex, when she was sick. If someone tries to be friends with me, Melissa starts talking shit about me, driving them off. Anyways off the topic of my sister. I have four dogs, two horses and two guinea pigs. Here’s their names. My dogs, Kenai (https://vitaminsforpitbulls.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/big-head-rottweiler.jpg )

Kovu (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/33/Siberian_Husky_sable.jpg )

Sitka and Zeus –Small one is Sitka, Larger one is Zeus- (http://www.great-danes-of-the-world.info/images/black-great-dane.jpg )

My Horses

Wildfire (http://www.animalpicturesdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/wild-black-stallion-1024x663.jpg )

Sweety (http://highstreetgypsycobs.com/wp-content/gallery/more-stallions-fp/sd-blackjack-the-man.jpg)

My Guinea Pigs

Moto-Moto ( http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-75V3nZQBNHI/UFEARhdCPjI/AAAAAAAAAJk/3mnI1KbuzvY/s1600/guinea-pig.jpg)

Speckles (http://www.naturesedgetherapycenter.org/sites/naturesedgetherapycenter.org/files/imagecache/page_main/image-main/bella2.jpg )

I love my other baby’s are… My car and motorbike

-My car (http://www.rigsofrods.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=309036&d=1334548563 )

-My motorbike (http://kickstart.bikeexif.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/harley-davidson-sportster-c.jpg )

Some more shit you need to know about is that… I love the colour red, FOOD, Sleeping, my parents, Fixing cars and/or motorbikes, animals. I hate…well the normal shit.

Mum got moved from Alaska state high school to La-push High. So we all have to move. SHHHH don’t tell Melissa, she doesn’t know. 


BTW I had Two Guinea Pigs named Moto-moto and speckles, but today four years ago they both passed away hours between each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2014 ⏰

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I love you...not your sister *Paul Lahote Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now