"Do you even see yourself right now?!" You gesture to the bloody state he currently finds himself in.

As if you've just reminded him of his wounds, he winces once more, releasing another grunt of pain. "Can we discuss this a little later? I could really use your help."

Lifting your hands to your face, you dig your palms into your eyes, trying to prepare yourself for what's to come. "Shit. I think I have a first aid kit in my bathroom."

Lowering your hands, you move to walk passed him, only to be stopped when his hand clasps around your wrist. "No, wait." He carefully meets your gaze, already anticipating your reaction to his next words. "I just need energy."

Your brows furrow in confusion. "Energy? Wha-" When it hits you, you look at him completely horrified. "You want to have sex?! Are you out of your god damn mind?"

"Incubi can heal from the transference," he tries to explain to you.

"You're fucking bleeding everywhere!" You feel like you have to remind him, because you honestly think he doesn't know.

He sighs, tightening his hold on your wrist because it looks like you're ready to bolt. "I know, it's weird. But I need you to do this for me, Lumina. If not, I'm gonna have to compel someone else to do it, and I'm pretty sure that'll piss you off a hell of a lot more than me showing up here like this."

"Oh god..." You breathe, unable to believe that you were actually considering this. "Bucky this is crazy."

"Y/N, please."

You groan like you're the one in pain, squeezing your eyes shut. "Okay," you relent, taking a steady breath. "Okay, just... lay back."

He slowly releases your wrist, grunting quietly as he does as you ask.

You open your eyes, biting your bottom lip as you look him over again. It looks bad. Your hands shake a little as you reach to push his shirt up. You gasp when the wound on his side is revealed. It's like a whole chunk of flesh had been ripped out of him. Blood is still leaking out of it, steadily staining your bedsheets. The skin around the wounds is swollen, it looks infected. And not only that, but his veins around the wound have started to turn black.

You cup your hand over your mouth, trying to prevent the gag you can feel building in your throat. You shake your head, "James, I don't think I can do this."

He places his hand back over the wound, shielding your view slightly from it. "I can't make you. But that means you have to be okay with me going somewhere else." He doesn't say it to make you feel guilty, it's just a matter of fact.

But he's also right. You wouldn't be able to take it if he went somewhere else. To someone else. "What if I hurt you more?" you whisper in fear. You don't like seeing him pain, but you can only imagine sex making everything worse.

"Lumina, you can trust me when I tell you that you won't. It'll be okay, I promise."

You gnaw at your bottom lip as you reach for his belt buckle. His dark wash jeans are also covered in rips and tears. With the fly open, you do your best to shimmy the jeans down his legs. Bucky hisses through his teeth. The blood from one of the larger cuts on this thigh had begun to dry, making the denim stick to his skin. You immediately pull your hands back when you realize what's happening.

"Shit! I'm sorry!" You feel tears welling in your eyes, a combination of the stressful situation and feeling horrible for making his pain worse.

"It's okay," he grunts out. "Don't stop." He breathes harshly through his nose, his fingers clenching around your bedsheets.

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