Chapter 1

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In the dark forest of Salaguna near the Witches River is a cottage that nobody wants to visit.

The dubble storey cottage made out of dark wood with white shutters on every large pained window, a small porch with white pillers.

The dubble storey cottage made out of dark wood with white shutters on every large pained window, a small porch with white pillers

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Inside it's huge although it looks small from the outside my little family house is amazing.

"Ooo hi my name is Tera I am a normal teenage girl with long honey blonde hair with sea blue eyes or that is what I thought?! "


The morning sun was shinning in thought my golden curtains in my big room. I looked at my alarm clock... " It's only 5am...'groan'..."

I drifted of to sleep again in my dream world.....

All of a sudden, a ghostly image appeared in my dream and broke out in song "..Happy birthday to you..." is all I heard and I started kicking random people, only to awaken to a realisation that I was kicking my own family. My eyes shot open and saw my dad lying passed out on my floor. My mom looked at me and started laughing at him.

2 minutes later

My mom was still laughing her ass off and my dad stood up looking at her and me and gave us both death stares. "What de f*ck you think you doing ??!!" My dad screamed on me and I start laughing my ass off just like my mother.

"Why are you in my room, I was having my morning sleep??"I moaned. They both looked at me and laughed, why in life would they start laughing at me.

" It's your birthday blondie" my dad laughed at me. Suddenly the realisation hit me like a bus, I'm turning 16 today.

How could a teenager ever forget about their 16 birthday. "Are u coming to get your cake or not??" My mom asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Of course I want cake I'm not a savage" I reply and my mom laughed at me and walked with my dad out of my room.

'Groan' I climb out of my single bed and put my monster slippers on. Standing up is so much effort. I started to walk all zombie like down my stairs... but... then... I saw my cake... I thought I was in heaven. It was a delicious, dripping chocolate cake with crunchy chocolate kit-kat bars along the cakes wall (I know...theres a lot of chocolate), I walked towards the cake and took a knife and started cuting my mouth watering, eye stopping, chocolate cake.

"I thought you would never come and eat" my little 14 year old brother said. "Whatever, Clark?" I said to my annoying, blond, blue eyed, little brother. "What are u doing up so early? Ooh wait it's your birthday today, isn't it?"

"No shit blondie I'm 16 today, you better sing to me or I will make your life a living hell!?" I said with a little grin. He just looked at me and started laughing. 'Wait his laughing at me...', I gave him one of my famous death stares that made every person I know fall to the ground. He opened his mouth and closed it again. He started "Happy birthday to you..." he gave me a smirk ".... you live in a zoo you look like a lion and u are one too." He sang to me and all I could do is smile and throw him with a peace of cake, laughing at his face.

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