Chapter 3

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Jade pov
Everything has went down hill so far. We have lost a bunch of friends but they were more like family. I just can't believe their gone.

But the striders..damn they watched their own brother die. Dirk just worried about all of us and he hasn't even shed a tear, dave been with Karkat the whole time because he literally broke down in front of us. Now as for Dylan he has been avoiding people. Jake tried to talk to him..even Sollux tried but he won't even look at us.
''Huh-what oh sorry Dirk."
I look up at the tall blonde
"You okay."
"Fine, but I should be asking you that..I mean you didn't deserve to see that." He looked away trying not to cry.
"Look can you just talk to Dylan...he might open up too you."
I nodded and walked off looking for the twin of dave strider.
I stopped at a window looking outside. It was a terrifying sight. The undead limping to find food to dig there teeth in. To be honest it scared the living hell outta me. I looked over to a building and saw a dog trying to limp it way from a herd of those nasty thing but I could watch the rest because I New what would happen. As I turned to go look for Dylan I ran into him. I looked him up and down and say blood on his orange hoodie. "What the bloody hell did you do!??"
He looked sad but angry. I pulled him to a little room and searched through my bag to find him a different one to wear. "Why did you go out there?"
He wouldn't answer. He just stared at me. "Dylan...either you talk and tell me what's going on or I'll just leave you in here...alone"


I turned around to leave
"Wait..." he said so I turned around and grabbed one of Jakes old black hoodies
With a record on it. "Now are you okay?"
Tears rolled down his face. "N-No..."
I hugged him...I mean I wasn't just going to stand there and watch him I hugged him.
"Thanks jade."
"No problem Dylan."

Zombiestuck Jade X Human!DaveSpriteWhere stories live. Discover now