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Old country music echoed off the sides of my old 2000
Ford pickup. Dust covered my windshield as I drove down the old road, but not enough to hide the big "Welcome To Dillon" sign to the right of me. I sigh and turn my vision back forward to the moving truck ahead in the distance. The truck turns down a road that I'm assuming is mine, and I look in my rear view mirror to see my dad following behind, already decked out in his assistant Dillon panthers football polo and hat. My mom sits beside him, clapping her hands in joy leaning forward to try and get a better look of the new road, and my older brother Tyler, looking through a book of Dillon Panther football plays for my brothers new starting linebacker position on the team.

I turn my attention back forward to the old dirt road once again, then pull onto my new street. We begin passing by small houses, barely even able to fit a dog let alone people, until the moving truck stops in front of what I guess is my new house. I pull the old pickup into the driveway and turn off the radio. I turn and pull the key out of the ignition and unbuckle from my seat. I sit in the car and examine my new house. It's small, really small. I sigh and lean my head against the steering wheel.

A sudden obnoxious tapping jerks me up from my position and I turn to see my bubbly mother at the driver side window.

"The boxes aren't gonna unpack themselves now are they?"
She beams before jogging up to the front door. I groan and open the door. I step out and slam it behind me, already hearing in my head the lecture I'm going to receive about respect. The first thing my dad does is stick the sign of Tyler's number and name on our front lawn near the steps. My mom hugs my brother and so does my dad as they celebrate my brothers position on the team, before heading inside the house. I walk up the few, old wooden steps and open the screen door to reveal a tightly compacted place. The walls are so close they're about to squish me, and the pathways aren't much better. I begin walking to the open area I see ahead of me and arrive in a tiny kitchen. Next to the kitchen is a small living room, with a small hallway with two doors for the bedrooms. I see my mom in one room with my dad so I turn and open the door to what I'm assuming is my room. The walls are beige with white trim along the perimeter and my full bed sits in the middle of the room, leaving barely any walking space to.... well walk, and I have no light, just the room being lit by a dim floor lamp in the corner. I toss my duffel bag of clothes onto the bed and begin putting them on hangers and into the closet.

"Ok it's a little roomy but we can work with it. I-I wasn't aware of how small it is so as of right now there's no place for Tyler to sleep." My mom barges in speaking calmly. I blink at her and nod for her to continue and she quickly looks over to my bed. "I was thinking one of you goes in the attic. It's a little dirty but if we just slap a coat of paint and put down a rug it'll be fine!" My mom beams with excitement.

"Yeah no." I respond before turning back to my closet. I hear a sigh from my moms mouth and hear her footsteps coming closer to me.

"Jaclyn your brother has to be fully rested for football. This is a huge break for him." My mom calmly states. I roll my eyes and continue. "I understand that you're a girl and you might be scared of the attic but your brother needs the best room." My mom adds. I turn to her blankly, a small glare peeking through my eyelids.

"What about me? You promised me I'd have a room in this new house and wouldn't have to sleep in the garage, again!" I almost shout, turning my body to face her with my hand on my hip.

"Honey I thought you understood. Football needs a lot of attention."

"Yeah and what about me? I don't?" I fire back and she places a hand on her forehead.

"That's not what I'm saying-"

"It's what you're implying." I cut off before taking more clothes from my duffel bag and hanging them. "Tyler deserves the attic much more than I do. When have I ever disobeyed you? When have I ever stayed out till 4 am drinking with the 'guys' and when have I ever been remotely rude like tyler is?" I state calmly. "I'm not leaving this room." I add, throwing the duffel bag on the floor and tossing sheets onto my bed.

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