Chapter 1 - A Hero's Got To Start Somewhere

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'Tap Tap'






"Hnnnng...already?" you questioned, shifting underneath the blanket, not even bothering to open your eyes, but knowing very well that you wouldn't be allowed to rest anymore.


"I'm up Shiro, give me a second little buddy" you mumbled, rubbing your eyes, stumbling out of the bed towards the balcony door, opening it with a small grunt.

'Caw caw'

The fluttering of wings sounded briefly until you felt the familiar claws dig into your scalp.

Not bothered by this in the slightest you blindly fumbled out in the hallway, supporting your tired body as you walked towards the kitchen, as Takahiro always says, 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day you dumbass, so don't you dare fucking skip it'

He really was a nice and wise person, you thought to yourself with a small smile.

You heard rummaging from the kitchen and you guessed that Taka was already up and cooking.

As you reached the kitchen you slumped into a chair, letting your head rest on the table as Shiro started playfully pulling your hair.

"I'm huuuuuungry~" you whined, your stomach agreeing with you seconds later, finally opening your eyes you looked towards the stove where Takahiro, as you rightly had guessed, was cooking breakfast.

"stop your whining, no one told you to wake up before the food was fucking ready" the older male grumbled, slaving away at the stove, with no hints of stopping.

"Shiro woke me up though" you hummed, holding a finger up to the bird, getting gentle nibs in return.

Takahiro threw an annoyed look over his shoulder before returning his focus to making food.

"I told you that I don't want those fucking feathered friends of yours in the house you little shit"

"But he's huuuuuuungry too~" you exclaimed loudly, grinning widely as you got multiple caws in response from the crow.

"I don't care, I'm not cooking food for that bastard" Takahiro responded, gripping the spatula he was holding until it almost broke.

"but he likes your food Taka-chan" you sat up straight, wondering why Takahiro always refused to give your friends food whenever they would come over, didn't he know that it was just common curtesy to offer your guests food?

Takahiro turned fully to face you and your feathered friend, sporting a menacing glare, one hand holding the spatula while the other was firmly placed on his hip.

"Do I look like I give a shit what that birdbrain thinks of my cooking skills?"

Shiro hopped down from your head at that point, cawing a single time at Taka.

Looking between your friend and the pissed of male, you tilted your head slightly before giving your answer with an unsure smile.


if looks could kill you would most likely have been dead at that point.

"WELL YOU'RE FUCKING WRONG DIPSHIT!" he yelled, finishing his sentence with a huff.

Agitated by your answer the older male turned around, hardening his stare as he tried burning holes in the food he was cooking

'Caw?' the bird questioned you with a tilt of his white feathered head.

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