Chapter 3

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      It had been two hours since Oliver's meltdown. The entire thing was explained to John and Laurel. They were all worried about Oliver. Barry didn't move from the spot he was in last. He didn't speak, move, anything, and no one tried to get him to do anything because after what he had seen, he needed a break to think. Everyone (besides Oliver) got extremely worried about Barry, and tried to get him to move. He looked up at all of them from his spot on the ground, his cheeks also stained with tears. They didn't know he'd been crying, because he was so quiet about it.

"aw, sweetheart." Laurel said with a kind voice, and leant down in front of Barry, wiping the tears from his cheeks. "if it makes you feel any better, I would cry as well." Laurel said, smiling sadly at Barry.

"I probably would as well." John said, trying to lighten the mood. Barry chuckled, and so did Thea, Felicity, and Laurel. Barry suddenly started looking around frantically, until he spotted Oliver. Without saying a word, Barry walked over to Oliver. Oliver was sitting on a chair, his hands folded in his lap, staring down at the ground.

"Ollie." Barry said, his voice cracking slightly. He brought a chair closer to Oliver's, and then sat down. "you don't have to talk about what happened, but I need to know you're okay." Barry said, but Oliver didn't say anything, or even move. "Ollie look at me." Barry said, but Oliver didn't. Finally, Barry grabbed Oliver's chin, and forced his bestfriend to look at him. "I said... look at me." Barry repeated, looking into Oliver's eyes. He wiped Oliver's tears from his face, and sighed. He let go of Oliver's chin, and then looked at the others who watched this. "alright Ollie. this silence has gone on for two long, so say something, damn it!" Barry snapped.

"what do you want me to say? I'm weak? do you want me to tell you what happened? fine. I snapped. I got lost in thought, and I snapped. I first got pissed. I was so angry I just wanted to grab an arrow, and stab somebody, but then I thought about that thought, and my anger turned into fear. then I felt weak, and I broke. you just happened to be there, and you comforted me. I don't deserve your comfort. I don't deserve you. any of you. so there you go." Oliver said, and looked at the ground again.

"you deserve everything good. all the people you've saved. all the criminals you've put behind bars. all the good you've done, and all you get in return is a bunch of shit. losing both parents, losing a girlfriend, losing an old friend... who tried to kill you later, but that wasn't him exactly. not to mention the island. you definitely did not deserve to be on that boat when it went down. you did not deserve to see your dad die... you don't deserve any of what has happened to you." Barry ranted, taking a deep breath when he was finished. Barry realized he said a lot, and basically just named everything wrong in Oliver's life. Barry sighed, and slowly wrapped his arms around Oliver. "I'm sorry..." Barry mumbled,


More hours passed, and almost everyone had gone home. The only ones left were Barry, Oliver, and Felicity. Felicity was at her computer, doing whatever she does. Oliver was sitting in a chair, staring off into space. Barry was sitting in a chair in front of Oliver, distracted by Oliver's insanely blue eyes. They were insanely blue right now because of all the crying. Barry thought about how beautiful Oliver's eyes are, but then shook his head when he realized how weird that is. He looked a little bit lower, at Oliver's lips to be exact, but then quickly looked back up at his eyes. He didn't know what he was thinking, Oliver was his best friend. He shook his head and sat back in his chair with a sigh.

Felicity grabbed all of her things, and headed towards the door. "Barry, I will leave the door unlocked for you just in case I am asleep when you get back, and goodnight, Oliver." Felicity said, smiling at the two.

Oliver looked up at Felicity with a sad smile. "goodnight, Felicity." Oliver said, and then she was gone. Oliver's eyes lingered on the door for a bit, before moving and landing on Barry. Barry turned back to Oliver, and their eyes locked again. Barry felt uncomfortable again because of what happened the first day he got there. There was an uncomfortable silence, until Oliver broke it. "I am sorry. about earlier. did I scare you?" Oliver asked, looking at the ground, then back at Barry's eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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