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"You have people come into your life shockingly and surprisingly. You have losses that you never thought you'd experience. You have rejection and have to learn how to deal with that and how to get up the next day and go on with it." - Taylor Swift.


I was excited, nervous as hell, but excited all the same.

Having just gone through a bad break up that left me heartbroken, one would have thought it would have affected my mood today but no, it didn't. It couldn't. I had learned from my mother's diary that it's okay to fall in love, whether instantly or after years of knowing someone. It's okay if I get hurt, because I would always come out of it stronger than before. It's okay to love the wrong people, because from them I'd learn to tell the difference between those who really care and those who are just here for personal motives. I'd learned to keep in mind that no matter how much it hurt, today I was heartbroken, but tomorrow I'd be in love again.
Yet unlike popular belief, I was still a seventeen year old girl. And I still cried myself to sleep every night, because I had really loved him. Bran hadn't been my first boyfriend, I'd had my fair share of them before I dropped out of high school. Too many to count, I never really fell in love though, I think I just dated for the fun of it, just like any other pretty teenage girl. We never went anywhere further from kisses on cheek, and most of the time, they'd break up with me with excuses that I was uptight and never made time for them. Yet, they and I both knew what the real reason was: overstepping their expectations.
But, guess this time with Bran I overstepped my expectations. I fell in love with him after two months of dating and when he got what he wanted, he was out.

But not even that could take away from the giddiness I felt that morning, I was about to take a small but huge step away from the only direction I'd been taking for as long as I could remember. I'd wanted to meet them for a long time when I was a little girl, yet at a certain time in life I'd started feeling the need to avoid any encounters with them. But this time it was inevitable, this time, I was going to meet them.

It was not going to be my first time, yet it was the first in twelve years. I was finally going to see them.

And that for me, was but a leap of faith.


This for me is a huge leap of faith, I don't know what came over me. I don't like starting something without finishing whatever I'm working on atm yet here I am, writing a new story when I haven't even finished the first. But I couldn't resist. So help me God!

So you guys can tell me what you think about it HERE!

The Moment I Knew (ON HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ