Chapter 3

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Not really anyones P.O.V. 

Addy woke up the next morning determined. 

Getting dressed hair and makeup done. She filmed a cover of Cascada Everytime We Touch and posted it on her YouTube channel which was growing slowly. 

After posting it she drove to a very familiar place. Studio 33. Her second home growing up, she spent hours every day in the studio. Working on technique and making friends. Dance helped Addy express how she felt and let loose. As she walked through the doors she was flooded with so many memories of her growing up. She smiled as the younger kids ran up yelling "ADDY!! YOURE BACK!" her old dance teacher Ann came and gave Addy a hug asking why she was back in town. 

Addy was looking for a job, she went into the office with Ann who is the head instructor and owner of Studio 33 and asked if she could help with classes and traveling to competitions with the younger kids for work. Ann didn't hesitate she told Addy she's always welcome and would love to give her a job. It wouldn't be high paying but, she'd get paid and be able to choreograph routines while also dance herself and continue to get better. 

Brad's P.O.V.

Scrolling through my Twitter I see a girl singing Everytime We Touch, some fan I follow retweeted it. She was really pretty and had a nice voice. I almost finished  watching the cover but, James shouted out that we were to go up for sound check. I put my phone away and just forgot about it. 

Addy's P.O.V. 

AHHHH!! Ellie!! I yelled as my best friend in the entire world came out of a dance class into the main area. She ran over and gave me a hug and yelled at me for not telling her I was back. I told her I was planning on showing up at her house tonight with our favorite movies, but I didn't know she was at the studio. We talked for a few minutes and she had to leave, to go pick up her son from her moms house.

 Ellie got pregnant at 17 her son is almost 2  and his name is Evan. So she works at the dance studio and takes care of Evan. She does take some college classes online but, can't move away. After all Evan's father isn't around. No not like he doesn't want Evan. He died. So he's not around at all.. literally. He died in a really bad car accident. The other driver was texting so they were not paying attention then ran a red light and hit him, causing him to spin and his car to flip. Really tragic, Ellie has had a hard time without him but, she has gotten her life together pretty well. Of course being back in town I will help as much as I can. 

The rest of the day was spent catching up at the studio and helping with classes. Going home I told my parents the good news of my job and seeing Ellie. Also my cover from the morning was at 90K which was crazy I don't even have that many subscribers. Twitter also had lots of views I posted a link to my channel on my twitter. A few pages had taken parts of my cover and posted them which was really cool. I have a good amount of followers on twitter which I'm beyond grateful for. I've had my own YouTube channel for about 3 years now, but lately I've been getting a lot more views. Maybe I could be a singer? I really enjoy it. Dance has been very important to me, preforming at competitions just being in front of people, making them smile. Singing is preforming and it really makes me happy. It's a different feeling than dancing. I get to interact differently when singing. I use to sing at the cafe every Friday night when I worked there. Our town has had events I've sang at and I loved the feeling of being on stage. In high school I was in theater rather than chorus. I could sing and dance, just put a on a show. 

Hey guys! I wanted to dedicate this chapter to many of the people who have lost a loved one in a car accident. I myself have known people who've passed away and friends that have lost someone. Please if you drive put the phone away. Also don't drink and drive it is not safe. We loose so many people because of careless drivers! I LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING KEEP WAITING I'LL BE UPDATING AGAIN SOON! ALSO ADDY ISN'T GOING TO JUST MEET THE VAMPS RIGHT AWAY I MEAN SOON BUT ITS NOT GONNA BE LIKE BOOM LOL ANYWAYS BYE FOR NOW!!

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