♕B O Y F R I E N D S

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Truth be told- some of these I got from people I know because I don't really stress over boys :)

- Don't rush things!!

-You don't need a boyfriend

-If a boy comes along and you can get along with him easily, he's kind, he's a gentleman, he doesn't try to change who you are towards you then go for it!

-You can't love him if you started dating and really got to know him him two weeks ago

-Don't overuse the word 'love' or it'll lose its meaning

-If you're around 6th - 10th (Sophomore) year of school, you're still young don't focus on trying to get a boyfriend otherwise you'll later realize you just wasted a good damn time of your life.

- If he's getting in the way of your studies; dump him or try to work it out. You're education will be more important than a school time boyfriend

-AVOID boys who try to change you, are mean to other people, disrespectful to his parents, etc.

-DON'T SEND NUDES!! some of you may laugh at this but I know a girl who did this.. next day her nudes are all over the school, poor girl had to move ):

- don't let your past relationships stop you. Not all boys are the same, but I can't guarantee that they'll all be a Prince Charming.

Any other tips you guys have?
Comment if you do:)

QUESTION: Have you had a boyfriend before?

ANSWER: Yes, after we broke up he came out as gay a month or so later... we're actually still good friends 😂

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