Part Two

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Ok, so I finished the edit earlier than expected- here's part two :)

The barman frowned as he looked Vito up and down. Horrified, Vito looked pathetically over at the woman, awaiting his sentence. He wished now that he had politely indulged the barman in a bit of pointless conversation.

There was silence as the woman seemed to contemplate a moment, sipping again at her beer.

Slowly, she turned to look back at Vito and the tiniest smile seemed to flicker across her lips, "Everything's fine."

Vito audibly released his held breath and the woman laughed gently as the barman nodded and wandered away, still frowning.
Though she still seemed more interested in her drink, the woman appeared to have relaxed, not only her body but her whole attitude and she occasionally glanced across at him. He had no idea why she had suddenly warmed up, but he was thankful she had.

Vito gulped down more beer before making an effort to explain himself.

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm not normally like this, but I really wanted to meet you and usually I don't have any...I'm more..."


"Yeah...I mean no...well, anyways, can we start again?"

He watched her hopefully for a reply.

"It's ok. It happens all the time" she said, flicking her hair back over her shoulder, and smiling to herself.

"My name is Vi..."

"Why don't you buy me another drink and we'll go from there?" she interrupted casually.

Vito sighed with relief and, grinning again, gestured to the barman for another round.


"Do I hold it like this?"

"No, no. Slide your hand a bit further back, towards me...That's it. Now bend right over and visualise where you want it to go. Right, now when you're ready, just push gently."

Vito leaned over her, breathing her scent in deep as they lined up her shot at the pool table. Pausing to look at the rose tattoo, he allowed his eyes to travel leisurely down the curve of her waist, over her hips to the perfectly round ass. She looked back over her shoulder at him and smiled, her eyes glinting in the overhead light, before taking the shot and potting the ball perfectly. He gave her a round of applause and handed her back her beer.

"You're definitely improving already" he beamed at her, taking the cue and inspecting the table for his next move.

"I have a good teacher" she replied, crossing one arm in front of her and leaning the other on top of it to sip at her drink.

They had been playing for he didn't know how long, Vito insisting on buying every round of drinks and supplying her with the coins for the jukebox. The bar was gradually becoming busier, but it seemed to be an older clientele and everyone seemed content to leave the music choices and the pool table to them and concentrate on their own night. She had good taste in music and was kind enough to oblige him every time he requested some AC/DC, but she was terrible at pool. This, however, gave him the perfect opportunity to get close to her every chance he could.

He found himself liking her more and more with every minute and could hardly restrain himself from grabbing her there and then.

"Be patient" he kept reminding himself, "Wait and see where the night takes us."

He couldn't believe that he had been about to leave when this angel walked in.

They had spent the time drinking, listening to tunes and idly chatting about this and that, mainly music, nothing too serious or personal which was exactly as Vito liked it. Although, there still was one piece of information that he hadn't managed to get out of her.

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