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The cerulean coloured sky scraped all over town and embedded itself in the ocean's surface. The stoned path continued to roll and it felt never ending making my feet become numb and my ankles stiff to the point where I just fell onto the ground and buried my head into the grass and looked up at the clouds which ever so effortlessly tied themselves into images. The clouds soon trundled themselves over the hill making my day dreaming come to a pause. My mind drifted away and focused itself on the itch coming from my leg which swept me off the grass as my hand met with my skin slapping what looked like a harmless bug. It fell onto the grass and was so small that it camouflaged itself and didn't catch my sight again.

Soon enough I found myself walking up the footsteps of my house, and I was greeted by my parents who had their faces buried in papers and were dressed in their work outfits which they never seemed to get out of. My mum embraced me in a hug and I was immediately engulfed by her sweet vanilla perfume which encircled my nostrils and gave me that warmth feeling. My father walked over, dressed in a suit and did the same but I felt this burning feeling immerse my whole body and I firmly push my dad's torso making him almost fall onto the floor.

"Is there something wrong?" He snarls brushing the invisible dirt off his jacket.

"Sorry, you just burned me?" I state as he just shakes his head.

"What do you mean I burned you?" He questions.

"She's probably just tired Matt," My mother hushes.

"Your right, get some rest, Clara." He spins on his heel and walks back over to the dining table and joins my mum who is wearing her slim black reading lenses which make her look like a professor.

My body trails me up to my bedroom and my head immediately hits the pillow and I fall into a slumber. Maybe mum was right and I was just tired?

My whole body melts. The burning sensations continue to spread. Maybe it's just my imagination and my whole mind is just tricking my body. Either way, it leaves me tossing and turning continuously making my bed feel like a pit of fire, the flames ceaselessly wrapping themselves around my torso, not even my thick woollen jumper is enough to form a barrier. It seems to engulf my skin slowly sinking further and further until I kick the blankets off and lay still. My pupil expanding while the cloudy blue tries to slowly circle around. I rub my eyes and then it spreads, I try my hardest to not make a peep knowing that my parents will get angry if they are woken but the pain just continues to bottle up slowly filling the glass until it spills. I scream while standing in the centre of my room, both of my parents flooding into my room with dark circles under their eyes and their hair spread in all directions.

"What's wrong Clara, its 3 am?" My dad asks while scratching his head.

"My skin is burning!" I scream while rubbing my skin hoping that the frictions will enable the pain to seep through.

"What are you talking about?" Mum asks not believing a single word that escapes my fiery lips.

"Look at my skin it's burning!" I instruct holding my arm in their direction.

"Let me see," Mum says as she walks over and the touches my skin making me almost fall on the floor in pain.

"Don't touch me!" I scream as they both run over and try to calm me down but their hands continue to touch my skin leaving me screaming in the corner of my room. Their hands feel like fire like a flame is being brushed up against my skin.

"What is wrong with you?" My mother says putting her hands on her hips as she looks at me in disbelief at the sight of me crawled into my bedroom corner screaming.

"P-please d-d-don't touch me." The words form in sobs unable to unravel them from my tongue.

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