An innocent love of a angel CH 12

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Chapter 12

when i woke up i went down stairs in my pink P.J's and made my dad a full English breakfast cause i know it is his favourite breakfast, dad came down stairs smiling at the wonderful smell, dad sat down and started to eat his breakfast. I sat down with a glass of water as i tried to wake my self up more.

"so what are you doing today?" i asked my dad.

"well magnolia is taking me out for a drink out of celebration of winning the murder case" dad told me happily.

"well while you are doing that i am going to clean the house so its sparkling and then i am going to go shopping and i have to wash your car its a living mud puddle" i smiled at my dad happily. Once i drank my water and made had smooth peanut butter on toast i had a wash and put on my navy blue shorts, white T-shirt that says "angels will rule the world some day" and my white trainers. I filled up a bucket of soapy water and went to my dads car and started to clean the front of it after five minutes i heard one of the other dads on our street saying "why can't our daughter do some thing that nice for us instead of going out with her mates every night", dad came out fully dressed in his suit.

"I'm going to see magnolia okay honey, she is having big brother issues and wants to talk to me about it" dad told me and hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek and went on his way.

"is he going to work again?" asked the old lady next door.

"no its his day off" i smiled at her, she looked completely shocked.

"but those clothes" she gasped as she watched my dad walk down the road.

"that's his normal clothes he loves looking smart" i told her and got back to cleaning my dads car, i polished the car after and smiled at it, once i went in side i cleaned the kitchen and cleaned up dads study room. I headed in to the town and picked up some food, some bath things and others items when i got back i put the things away and picked up the mail bill, bill, bill, dads confidential stuff, dads confidential stuff, junk mail, angel fashion magazine, a letter for dad, a letter for dad . . . . . . a letter for me.

I frowned at the letter and sat at the kitchen table and opened the lined piece of paper in it.

To Connie

i know it has been a long time since i have contacted you

but i really do hope you speak to me, the way we left off

with each other was a horrible and difficult, but hopefully

we can work out our problems and get back to where we

was, i miss you a lot i never knew how much you meant to

me until you was gone not just from the relationship but

form school and town even your house it took me a while

but i found out where you are and i really hope we can get

back together please call me okay.

From Cameron

x x x

oh mother of god, Cameron the guy who broke my heart, the guy who cheated on me, the guy who stole from me, the guy who made that horrible pro and con list, the hell I'm ever getting back together with him I'm with Cornelius and i am not going to dump him he protected me, he cares for me, he is funny and smart and unbelievably handsome and charming and I'm going to go to the ball tonight and tell him i love him. I threw the letter in to the fire place and went up stairs and took a nice long bubble bath with mango and milk shampoo and conditioner, once i was clean and dry i heard a knock on the door down stairs so i went down and opened the door to see there was a box there, i brought it in and placed it on my bed, there was a little card stuck on the top just saying Cornelius in beautiful hand writing, i smiled as i opened it and gasped in the box lied a black and red strapless ball gown that had ruffles on it it was a perfect size i knew it would hug my figure how did he know my size, all so in the box was a black mask with a jewel on on the right side of it and in the box lied black shoes and once again how did he know my size. I couldn't help but smile as tears of joy ran down my cheeks, no guy has ever cared for me this much. I looked out of the window to see it was all ready sunset, i brushed my hair and allowed it to be wavy with slight curls, i put in the hair clip that Cornelius got me and got in to the ball gown mask and shoes and looked at the mirror i looked . . . . . . stunning and I'm not just saying that out of vanity, i am not a vain person but wow. I put on my skin powder and lip balm as i heard a knock at the door. I went down stairs and opened the door to see Cornelius in a black and red suit, Cornelius bowed to me and offered his black gloved hand to me, i blushed as i took it, Cornelius led me to his bike, i laughed as i saw it. Cornelius gave me a ride to his mansion there was so many limos and expensive cars out side of his home, Cornelius walked me in to his house and down the corridor to a pair of huge wooden door's. Cornelius smiled and opened the doors the air was knocked out of me as i gasped the room was a giant ball room with glittering candle light chandeliers, long thick red drapes, the whole room was full of couples dancing, Cornelius held my hand as he led me in to the ball room. I felt so out of place with all these people in fancy clothes, Cornelius led me threw the dancing couples and brought me to the middle of the room Cornelius nodded at the orchestra and it started to play my favourite song, i smiled as Cornelius bowed to me and offered his hand to me, i smiled and took it, we began dancing it felt like i was on a cloud.

                                                                              The End

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