Life Is Weird

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Gumball's POV:
I gave a laugh as we were headed to Ms. Simian's house. Darwin was peddling the bike while I sat behind him, I grabbed onto his shoulders. Of course we had helmets on, we were opposites, my helmet was orange, like the main color Darwin was, and his helmet was blue, representing me because that was my main color.
I looked at Darwin, his green eyes met mine and I swore I saw his face turn a light red color. I looked away from him quickly and grabbed the carton of eggs. "Pedal a bit slower." I whispered opening it and picking one up. I began to throw them, "Gumball I think that's enough!!!" Darwin said in an urgent voice as he began to pedal fast. "You're no fun!" I laughed.
He gave me a smile. "Listen." He said putting a finger to my lips as we arrived home. I felt his finger push into my mouth. "Blegh!" I said pulling his finger away. "Gumball shhhh!" Darwin said covering my mouth. I rolled my eyes and strained my ears to listen. I heard a faint scream and started giggling.
Ms. Simian must've saw the eggs. Darwin ripped his hand off my mouth. "Gross Dude!" Darwin laughed as he rubbed his wet hand on the grass. "Hey! Don't be one to judge! You've kissed me before at Molly's Tree H-" Darwin interrupted me, his face was bright red. "Uhm y'now!? Why don't we just go inside and watch TV!" He suggested quickly.
I let my ears fall back in confusion. "Okay?" I answered in puzzlement as Darwin pulled me inside. We sat down on the couch and I poked his cheek. "Heyyy! Why does your face turn all red and stuff?" I asked him. I let out a laugh. "Hah! Your face is red again!!!" I pointed out with a smirk. "Ugh! Gumball I dunno." Darwin squeaked. "Hey it's fine dude! I won't make you uncomfortable, sorry." I mumbled.
{ Later... }
I flicked my tail as I climbed into bed, the family got home, we ate, hung out, and I guess it's time to go to sleep. I felt tired anyway...So I changed into black shorts and a white T-Shirt with red outlining on the ends of my sleeves and my shirt collar. My head sort of hurt so I flopped onto my bed heaving a sigh.
Today was odd. Nobody was in the room besides me, so I rolled off my bed, landing face-first on the carpet floor. I gave a silent scream into the floor, I kicked my feet in frustration. I was filled with confusion! What was up with Darwin anyway?! He was still fun, of course! But he was so strange today!!! I gave a muffled groan into the carpet, pondering my thoughts.
The bedroom door creaked open. "Gumball?" Darwin and Anais chorused. I let myself stay on the floor. "Ppppffffffffffff." I mumbled through the carpet. "Wait what?" Darwin asked. I gave a sigh. Anais yanked me up by the ears, leaving my legs trailing on the ground, but my upper half being held up. "Heeeeey! Ugh! Off the ears!" I hissed. Anais still held on and Darwin looked at me. "What happens when you pull them?" He giggled.
Anais gave a grin. "Why not find out?" She grinned. "No no no no no no no no!!!" I screamed, my face turned bright red as I looked at Darwin, I didn't want my best friend to witness this, or my little sister!? I felt a pull on my ears, my face grew redder as I let out a moan. "Woah woah woah!" Anais laughed. "Well look at you little porno!" Anais laughed letting my ears go, I flew back into the carpet.
I heaved myself up and avoided eye contact with Darwin and Anais as I sat down on my bed, they flopped down beside me. Darwin tapped my nose. "Don't worry! It sounded cute!" I looked at him in confusion. "Wait what?" I asked Feeling my cheeks go warm. "Oh Darwin was saying---" Anais started but Darwin put his hand over her mouth.
His face reddened, I was so confused, my head began to hurt. "It's nothing!!!" Darwin smiled gently. I watched his mouth curve up, how was he always happy? I felt my mouth curve up too. "So what were you two doing?" I asked trying to change the subject. "Nothing really, we watched a movie with Mom and Dad but it's late so we were gonna go to bed but I decided to find out your little secret." She grinned as she smoothed her night gown.
I crossed my arms. "You're not doing that again!" I huffed but gave a sly smile. "You like that or something?" Anais smiled. My face grew hot. "I know Darwin liked it!!" Anais boasted. I dropped my arms to my sides and looked at Darwin in pure surprise and shock. My face grew red as I watched Darwin's face turn red.
I took a small breath. "It's fine, it's just because no one was expecting that." I laughed. They weren't expecting that, clearly, judging by their faces. "Uhhh...Darwin and I actually need to make sure the movie isn't too scary for Mom and Dad!" Anais blurted hopping off the bed, Darwin followed. "But it's a comedy!" Darwin protested. Anais shot him a look and grabbed the door knob. "They might hurt themselves from laughing so hard!" Anais growled dragging him away.
I flopped onto my bed, something weird was happening... but I was too exhausted to figure it out. Life is weird! Get over it. I closed my eyes, not bothering to turn off the light. I let one of my legs drape off of the bed and felt my body relax as I drifted off to sleep.
I was walking... I walked up to my room and sat on my bed. I fiddled with my blankets, feeling the ends on my fingers, soft. "Hey." Came a voice that made me look up. Darwin. He walked in and shut the door behind him, he sat beside me. "Hi Darwin."  I said lightly. He looked at me and smiled. "Look, since we don't keep secrets from each other, I need to talk to you." He stammered. I felt myself knead the blanket and cast Darwin a look to tell him to continue.  "Gumball, I like you." Darwin said looking at me, sweat was building up on his forehead. "I like you too!" I implied giving a friendly grin. "N-No Gumball!" He said grabbing my arm. "Wait what?" I asked looking at him in a panic. "I...I don't like you like that! I..." Darwin stuttered, he gripped my arm tighter, causing me to wince. "Darwin!? You what?" I asked feeling my eyes grow watery. "I...I love you Gumball!" He sobbed into my shoulder, my eyes couldn't hold it, I began to cry. Darwin looked up at me and wiped my tears. I felt myself lean in, Darwin leaned in too....
"Gumball!!!" A voice said worriedly. It was Darwin, he was really close to my face. I felt a heat rise over my body, my face grew red. I pushed him away, gently, not to hurt him. "What was I doing?" I asked getting up and stretching. "Gumball! You were crying." He said frowning, he moved closer to me. "O-Oh." I murmured letting my hand reach my face, it was hot, yet cold from tears.
I wrapped him in a hug, he looked up at me, his face was red. "Are you okay?" He asked in concern. "I think so." I said squeezing my eyes shut. I let him go, awkwardly. I opened my bedroom door, a hand touched my shoulder. I spun around and looked at Darwin in confusion. "Dude, it's 3 AM, not time to get up." Darwin said honestly. "I must just be really tangled in my thoughts." I said as my ears twitched.
Darwin walked me over to my bed. "If your dreams bother you again, just let me know, I'm here buddy." He smiled comfortingly at me. "Thanks Darwin, it means a lot." I said returning the smile as I lay down and drifted off to sleep once again.

Gumball X DarwinWhere stories live. Discover now