Puzzle Pieces

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Ungjae took one last look at himself in the mirror, searching for any minor blemish that could ruin his face. Any smudge of dirt on his shoes, any stain on his clothing. It wasn't like he was going anywhere fancy. He was only wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, going out for a day at the park. But for Taeho, he always wanted to look clean, perfect, beautiful. To him, Taeho was so special. Nothing in the world meant more than Taeho. He knew he couldn't be the perfect boyfriend, but he tried anyway. If anything, maybe his careful ways could make up for the imperfections in his personality.

He checked the time on his phone. If he left now, he'd reach the spot very early. But he had nothing to do during his time just waiting. He could only think of his date with Taeho, nothing else seemed to matter.

They had only been dating for a year, but Ungjae couldn't imagine his life without him. He had started dating him while he was in his last year of high school, and Taeho was a college student. He got into the same university as him. He even got the same job as him, even though Taeho eventually resigned from it. He learned to cook all his favorite foods, although he wasn't the best chef. He tried his best, though. Anything for Taeho's happiness.

There was one thing he never did with Taeho. He never walked him home.

Taeho didn't like it. He said he was too ashamed to show him his apartment after coming to Ungjae's. Ungjae insisted that he didn't care what it looked like, though, because it was Taeho's, and that makes it special.

"Maybe, since it's been a year..." Ungjae texted his boyfriend excitedly. Happy anniversary, baby. Should I pick you up today? He smiled brightly at the thought of it. It was only a small move, but a gentlemanly move nonetheless. He knew he'd have to do it at some point.

Ungjae waited a few minutes, smiling warmly when he heard his phone ding with Taeho's reply.

Ah, Ungjae. I just woke up. You're really excited, huh?

Of course I am. Today is special.

I don't need you to pick me up though. You should have gotten a little extra sleep, don't lose sleep over me.

Ungjae blushed at Taeho's words. 'He's so caring...'

I don't mind waking a bit early, and I don't mind picking you up. Just send your address.

No, it's fine really. I'm up, I'm gonna get dressed, we can meet up early. Just make your way down to the park, okay? I'll see you there.

Ungjae sighed. Maybe he'd walk him home instead. He just felt so weird he would go everywhere with Taeho but his own home.

An hour later, Ungjae was sitting on a park bench waiting for his boyfriend. He hadn't seen him for a week, and today being special, he was extra antsy. He brought a sweater since the weather was a little chilly, but he didn't wear it. Knowing how Taeho was, he'd probably complain about the cold after a while and Ungjae wanted to make sure he could provide for him if he was unprepared.

Fidgeting, Ungjae looked around, a little impatient. He had a present for his boyfriend, and he couldn't wait to show it to him.

'I hope he'll love it...'

Suddenly, the sound of a taxi rolling to the curb in front of Ungjae broke his trance. He stood quickly, and his heart stopped.

"Taeho..." he smiled.

As always, he looked like an angel. There seemed to be an aura around him, he could brighten up any place he went. Everything about him seemed so delicate, so lovely, giving Ungjae the feeling that he should protect him no matter what.

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