"But we're not going to let that happen!" Meliodas laughed. We all got up and began walking back to mine. When we got there, Margaret and Veronica were watching from the window.

"See you at school Elizabeth!" Diane waved. They all started to walk off apart from Meliodas. He handed me a slip of paper.

"Don't let anyone treat you with disrespect okay? Message me if anyone does anything or you need someone to talk to" he walked off and joined the others. I looked at the slip of paper and it was his number! My crush just gave me his number! To me! And I spent the entire day with him! Well maybe not the entire day but most of it! I ran upstairs and dived on my bed. I immediately added his number and was debating on if I should message him.

Meliodas' POV:

I joined the sins and they were all giving me teasing smiles. Especially Diane.

"What?" I was so confused. I didn't do anything wrong, did I?

"That was cute!" Diane giggled

"Captain do you have a thing for Elizabeth?" Ban teased. When he said that something in me just sparked. I'm not sure what it was but it was a feeling I've never felt before.

"Well do you?" King looked intriged

"You okay?" Diane asked

"Y-Yeah just this weird feeling I just got when you said that" I admitted

"Hmm maybe you do have a thing for her" Ban laughed

"I doubt it, we've only just started talking"

"Anyway let's go back to yours for a bit" King changed the subject and I'm glad he did. Did I like her? I mean she is pretty cute, and she's really sweet and kind and gentle---wait where am I going with this? We went back to mine and saw Zeldris and Estarossa in the living room.

"Hey Meliodas!" Zeldris called out. The sins all waved at them.

"Hey Zeldris! Estarossa!" I called back

"Meliodas, who was that girl you were with earlier?" Estarossa asked

"You saw that?" King exclaimed

"Well I saw you leaving the house with her, that's all" he shrugged

"Oh well she's this girl at school, who's always bullied because she's adopted and a straight-A student" I explained

"Really? Well she seems nice" Zeldris smiled

"She is!" Diane giggled

"Maybe you should let her join your gang" they left and went upstairs

"Join the group huh?" I was actually concidering it.

"Well cap'n, what'd ya think?" Ban asked

"Let's think about it" we sat down and put a movie on. I wasn't actually watching because I couldn't stop thinking about her. The way you join the sins is if I think that your worthy enough to join. The popular people like Margaret and Veronica are always bitches to others that's why I won't let them join us. Elizabeth, on the other hand, is kind and caring to others even if they do bully her. She would make a good addition to the group and I would like to get to know her more.

"Captain!" I was slapped round the face and came back to reality with everyone looking at me. I must've zoned out.

"You okay?" Diane asked

"Yeah why?"

"You zoned out, we couldn't bring you back to reality" King exclaimed

"Oh sorry! Guess I got lost in thought"

"What were you thinking about?" Ban asked

"Just what Estarossa said earlier"

"About Elizabeth joining the group?" Diane asked and I nodded

"I think we should!" King exclaimed

"Let me think about" I wanted her to join but I can't show that.

"Captain I think you should let her get to know you--uhh us better" Diane called out

"Why?" Ban looked at her

"Uhh no reason!" I went to go get a drink while they continued to talk.

Diane's POV:

"So why should Elizabeth get to know the Captain?" King asked

"You can't tell anyone this, but she admitted that she had a crush on him" I whispered. They looked shocked

"What really?!" Ban exclaimed

"Shhh! And yeah she did, I think we should give her a chance with him" I chuckled

"Yeah I think they'd actually be a cute couple"

"Hey guys what ya talking about?" Captain asked

"Nothing!" We shouted in unison

"Okay? Anyway it's getting late, why don't you head back?" We all left and the Captain waved us off. It makes me wonder if he actually does like Elizabeth like that. I mean he did stop the bullies today and at the ice-cream shop. But maybe he was just being kind? But why now? He could've done it earlier. He did give her his number aswell and we only got his number when we joined the sins but with the Captain you never know.

Meliodas' POV:

I waved the sins off and went up to my room. I was lying on the bed when Zeldris came in.

"Hey Meliodas, I was wondering, do you actually like that girl from earlier?" I wasn't sure how to respond. I mean I'm not sure how I feel towards her so I just shrugged. He went to walk off until my phone went off. I had a message.

"What's it say?" He asked. My face must've lit up because Zeldris was giving me a teasing smile as he walked out.


User: hey Meliodas it's Elizabeth, just wanted to thank you for today. I had fun

Me: No problem, but I was serious you can't let people treat you like that

Elizabeth: I'll try to stick up for myself

Me: good! Anyway get some rest

Elizabeth: I will

She seems to kind to be bullied and constantly left on her own. Maybe I will let her join the group. That wouldn't be so bad.

Zeldris' POV:

I went downstairs and cooked dinner. Since It was only us two tonight because Estarossa had to go out. I called him and we began eating. Well I did because Meliodas wouldn't shut up! I asked him about the girl earlier and he hasn't shut up talking about her!

"Well her names Elizabeth and she's really sweet, kind, gentle and cute! Oh and adorable! Her older sisters are Margaret and Veronica but they're bullies and no where near as gorgeous as her! She is literally like the cutest girl I know and I know nearly everyone in the school! Elizabeth is---"

"Meliodas seriously, are you actually  gonna eat or keep rambling on about this girl?"

"I don't know why but....I can't stop thinking about her"

"Maybe you have a crush on her" I smirked and he blushed tremendously

"W-what? A crush? No way"

'But you can't stop talking about her. And I'm not even sure if you were actually concious while talking about her. I think you zoned out"

"What am I gonna do? Is it a crush? But we've only just started talking to eachother"

'Meliodas listen. She's always been there and you've noticed her but it's only now that you've actually gathered the courage to talk to her. You've probably liked her for a while but are only noticing it now" he was shocked and was probably realising that he did actually like her.

"Anyway let's eat before you start rambling on again" I moaned. We ate and he went up to his room. He's hopeless. It's obvious he likes her so I wonder of the sins have noticed it.

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