With you

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I could run a thousands mile
In shackles and brimstone
With bruise and blush
To be with you

With you,
I felt I’d come full circles
From the orbit of myself
Knowing that you would be
At the radius of my circumference
The touch of your thought held me captive
With you,
Many time, I’d wished I could do otherwise
Not loving, caring , thoughtful, clamouring for you
The infusion of my heart
Declared your existence
As I breathe
Every breath of air
Image pop into me; both consciously and unconsciously
Its as if you’d take hold of my mind
What will I do with you
Can I do with out you?
That I wouldn’t know…
You had given me
Some sort of adjustment
A spiritual realignment
A physical ligation

The balls of my box
Are arrange in duffness
Thought, memories of you 
If you are not with me
Seize the air in my throat
Making my breathing linger
Then swift with rapid tornado of aku na matata beat

Anticipation of your coming
Brings the angel from beyond
With you
Makes my breath slow
Muscle relaxed
Felt a presence within me
That had been long missing
Your scent sent my pulse active
Current pass through my spine
Wave make bridge unto my lymph

Thousands voice sings
Every sense in my senses
Quicken to you
My eyes light with radiant
I felt I’m looking more into you
Than at you

Without you
I daydream
I crave for your heart
More than water
Maybe as the air
And I’m afraid
I won’t be able to say this
But beautiful
Come home with me
Have breakfast dinner with me
Just you and I
I’m scared if I don’t say this now
I might not get another change
My heart has enough room

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