It wasn't really the time to find anything funny, but you held back a short, spiteful snicker; As you'd stood up from the couch you'd felt his little hand cling to your t-shirt tighter. Had he a fear of heights?

It was a complete mess in the kitchen as you walked through. Everything was scattered and spilt everywhere: Pots and pans, food, drinks, cutlery, cleaning products, the lot! The floor was plastered in different powders and foods- you were surprised you hadn't heard him making the mess. Chucky had managed to climb up above the cupboards and found the stash of knifes you'd previously hidden, but he didn't get the biggest knife. In fact, the knife he wielded now was the smallest of the set. Perhaps he wasn't able to reach for the bigger ones...not with those short arms of his.

He hurried you past the kitchen and out the door, straight to the car. Once you reached the car doors, his pressure to the knife was lighter to allow you more movement. "Now put me down on the seat" he ordered quietly mostly because he couldn't risk being spotted moving around or talking out in the open.

"But I need to lock the door to my house!" You whined, and he scowled viciously at you.

"Screw your house! Now get in the damn car!" He shouted, and you quickly complied out of fear. You sat in the car and he swung around your back and landed standing on your lap. You were properly eye level with him for the first time, and there was a second of pure silence.

Then Chucky leaped off your lap and onto the passenger seat, plopping himself down on it and turning to you. "What're you waiting for? Get movin'!" He commanded, and with an angry huff you turned the engine on in the car. It took one or two revs, as it wasn't the most expensive of vehicles, but you got it going. You pulled it off the drive, turning to Chucky once you were on the road.

"Where the hell am I even taking you?" You gritted, hatred stirring within you. You couldn't believe how you'd just been double crossed by a toy. It was your fault really for giving sparing any trust to the mini killer in the first place- you should've just pulled him apart or threw him away or something while you had him tied up.

"Quit your yammering and find the directions to Lakeshore police department." He told you.

"On what?! My phone is back at my house, that's probably being robbed as we speak because you wouldn't let me lock the door!" You yelled back, almost smiling when you saw the slight effect it had on Chucky's body language. Basically, he realised he'd fucked up.

"I don't know, use a map or some shit!" He shouted defensively, more for his argument that for the sake of getting there. You sighed and pointed to the back seats with your thumb.

"There's maps in the back, under the seat on the right. You can look for wherever it is we are going again, because I'm driving." You instructed, calming yourself down a bit now that you'd settled down. Although Chucky had literally had a knife to your neck, you still didn't see him as that much as a threat. Not only because of his ironic looks and height, but because you can't see anyone that scary anymore once you've managed to knock them out with a guitar.

You tried to focus on the road as the doll squirmed into the back seats. He was out of your peripheral vision then, so you adjusted the back view mirror to focus on him. He wasn't trying anything sneaky by the looks of it, just looking for a map. He finally found one on the area he was heading, so he hopped back into the front and sat down.

Every once in a while, you turned to look at him and what he was doing, weary of his actions. You watched as he unfolded the map that looked freakishly big at full size compared to him and scanned it with a single finger, the other hand holding his new knife. The doll tilted his head, noticing something was wrong with the map but unable to figure it out.

Despite knowing the danger, you dared to lean across to glare at the map. Luckily Chucky did nothing. Of course, you spotted the issue with the map straight away, and it was so funny you were on the edge of laughing out loud, no matter how bad the situation was.

Chucky was holding the map upside down.

You grabbed it at the top and pulled it out of his reach, earning a small 'fuck!' from him as he reached up to grab it. You spun it around in one hand, turning it the right way around so that north was pointing upwards.

"Uh, you were holding it the wrong way." You pointed out quietly, lowering the now correctly held map back down to him. He swore under his breath, snatching the map from your hand and hiding his face in it, reading and scanning it himself. You ignored the behaviour, concentrating on the road. "So where do I go?"

"Turn at that intersection!" He directed. His finger pointed to a junction that was just up ahead, and you swerved in just in time to make it through. You really didn't want to piss him off going the wrong way- not while he had a knife.
That was the only way to get out of this mess...

You had to get that knife off him.

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