FOUR ~ Yukio's PoV

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Pain made my head throb.

I don't know when I had fallen asleep, probably when I had gotten home, but I was in the dark room again.

The smell, the pain, the hunger, the thirst, the darkness, the loneliness.

Something I would never wish upon a person.

I sighed, laying my head against the wall. I was in a sitting position, and my bound hands were sitting in my lap.

During this time alone, I found myself thinking about everything bad that had happened in my life.

I couldn't help but cry. The slight crying made my weak body tremble.

I heard the heavy door open and someone stepped in again.

"Hush," a deep male voice cooed. "Don't cry."

I tried to squint to see the man's face, but it was blurred out, as if I was in a video. But this was no video.

I remembered that I was in some girl's situation, but I didn't know who. The man cut my hands and feet free, realizing that I was too weak to fight or run.

He left the room again, leaving me with my thoughts.

I closed my eyes, hoping for sleep.




I opened my eyes. Why didn't I wake up? I could clearly still hear my alarm clock.

My heart started to race. The only thing I could hear now was the bellowing of the clock.


It wasn't my alarm clock.

Beep beep beep.

Beep beep beep.

Shit. It was the fire alarm.

Smoke filled my nose as I continued to struggle to wake up.

Beep beep beep.

B e e p  B e e p  B e e p.

B e e p-


"Yukio Okumura."

I felt someone shaking me.

I quickly sat up, leaning over to vomit onto the ground, coughing hard.

There was a paramedic standing over me, his face blank.

"Can you hear me?" he asked.

I nodded, wiping my mouth with my sleeve.

I looked at my dorm building. It was completely consumed by bright orange flames.

"We'll be taking you to the hospital, Mr. Okumura," he told me as they put me on a stretcher and into an ambulance. "Don't close your eyes, no matter how tired you get."

I realized that my arms and legs were covered in burns. I coughed some more, lifting my head as I did so. The paramedic pushed my head back down gently.

"Do you have any relatives?" he asked.

"Just a brother," I coughed out. "Rin Okumura."

He raised a brow. "No parents or guardians?"

I shook my head, then thought of someone. "Mephisto Pheles. He' close as we have to a guardian."

The paramedic grunted, writing the names down. The siren of the ambulance could be heard from inside as we drove quickly to the hospital.

"How old are you and your brother?" he asked.

"We're twins. We're 15, turning 16 in December," I told him.

"Are you a teacher at True Cross Academy?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Are you a demon?"

I frowned, then realized that my tail was hanging over the edge of the stretcher, so there was no use for lying.


"Alright. I'll give Rin and Mr. Pheles a call when we get you to the hospital. Just relax and focus on breathing. If you feel the need to vomit, tell me."

I nodded my response, staring at the ceiling of the vehicle.

Somehow, I had a feeling that the fire wasn't an accident.

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