Chapter 2

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After my mom left to go start lunch for me I went on YouTube to see about people packing their suitcases. I click on this girl packing her bag. After 50 seconds it seemed so interesting when she was giving cool tips and it seemed like she knew what she was doing. Because I have watched some videos where he/she doesn't know what they're talking about. 

When my mom came back with a bowl of ravioli I quikly put the youtube window at the bottom of the sceen then I put pinterest up. 

"Whew I'm safe!" I say to my self in my mind.

Then my mom sits down. I welcome her by moving over from the one side of the couch to another. I cuddle up to her with my bowl sitting on my lap. 

" So how is......

When my mom was talking to me my phone went off. It was Jordn. 

' Hey girly want to do something?' 

I reply with a quick answer. 

'of course!!!!!!!!' I reply

"Mom can I hang out with Jordn today?" I ask 

" Um.... yes what time is Jordn coming over?" my mom answered

"I'll ask her" 

Then I type 'what time do you want to come over?:)'  Jordn soon replys with:

'Hey is 12:30 fine?' 

Reading her texts are so perfect never have a spelling mistake. She has to use proper puncuation. But when she writes its all in text speak.


Ding- DONG! 

When the doorbell rings I run to the front door totally tripping over my own feet and my dog. I finally get to the door I open it up and there stands my best friend. 

"HEY!!" I yell "it's been so long! I say so excitedly 

" So what do you want to do?" Jordn askes as she pulls her sweater off and hangs up her purse. "I have our bucket list. The one that we made in 9th grade!"

When I heard that it took me back to the days where everybody didn't care about makeup, clothes. Those were the good days.

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