Chapter 1- Three Days

Start from the beginning

I immediately burst into laughter, as did one or two other people in the group- including Rhys-, this unfortunately made her facial expression go from hopeful to shameful.

"Vale!" Anderson snapped. "That was a very good suggestion from Mel, so what do you find so funny?" God, everything's so serious with this guy.

I look to the floor and then back up at him.

"It's just" I said after finishing my laugher, but unable to contain my grin. "With all due respect, If I wanna cut myself ,doc, then I'm gonna cut myself, not read a goddamn book. That's like saying 'you wanna cook a stir fry dinner? Go paint a bowl of fruit on a canvas!' "

This earned a few laughs once again, but also a harsh scowl from Anderson.

Anderson rolled his eyes, I hadn't spoken up like this in a while. He was clearly sick of my outbursts

"Vale, I'd like to extend our one to one therapy session today." He said sternly.

I groaned. "By how long?"

"20 minutes. Now let's get back to the discussion, and I only want to hear productive, useful things." He announced, looking straight at me.

I slouched back in my chair and began to zone out again, when I heard something interesting from someone in the circle of chairs.

"..all I'm saying ,doc, is that instead of injuring yourself, you could injure somebody else"

I smiled at that thought before I was carried away by visions of the purge night, picturing how it would go and what I would do.

Instead of injuring yourself, you could injure someone else. Blissful.


"again?" I heard a voice say as it tapped me on the arm. "Wake up, sweetheart, a certain handsome doctor wants to see you now,"

Well that wasn't disturbing at all.

I opened my eyes to see Rhys. Why does this guy keep waking me up when I'm happily in a zoned out sleep.

He offered me a hand up, which I took thankfully. God, how long did that session last for?

"Doctors waiting, sleeping beauty," He said with a low-key sinister grin.

He exited the room and sat in the waiting room, I think we had the same doctor. It was Anderson, the one who ran today's therapy session.

I lazily yawned and walked along the corridor until I found B23.

I took a deep breath before opening the door.

I pushed it open carefully and sat on the red chair opposite dr Anderson.

"She's finally awake" he remarked sarcastically.

"How are you, vale?" He asked.

I noticed my right leg was bouncing slightly, and I was very fidgety. Huh.

"Same as yesterday, been more manic recently."

He looked at my leg and my hands "I can tell. I hate to press you on the subject ,vale, but any self injury recently?" His tone was more serious than earlier.

"Two weeks clean doc, you know that."

He doesn't answer before flipping through his notes. "Yes but that's my concern , vale, you seem to have this cycle of two weeks manic and one week depressed, which is when you begin to exhibit suicidal tendencies,"

I rolled my eyes, and looked out of the window.

He cleared his throat. "Are you planning on purging this year, vale?"

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