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They say that when you see a shooting star, make a wish.

I, Miss Maria Blanchard, will do that today! And I will assure you,

that wish will come true.

Well, I just hope it will. I can dream, right? :v

It was the first day of school once again. I walked out of my apartment, stretching out my arms, and let out the biggest yawn I could muster. "*yaaaawn*. "My last year at Koza University," I said to myself. I started to walk down the path to the local bus stop that stops right at the university. I took the shortcut route, walking on the side of the small road as I greeted the passerby workers. I admired all the work being done by me.

It's all just construction work these days.

I sighed as I took a turn and almost rammed myself into a small, hunched over grandma.

"I'm sorry ma'am! Excuse me." I apologized and continued to go in my direction until I heard a distinct whisper in my ear.

"Be careful on what you wish for." An old raspy voice whispered. I turned to see the old woman already gone.



I approached my usual seat, the one right next to the emergency exit, as I was able to have the most leg room AND a bigger window. Benefits, huh? I whipped out my cell phone that was covered in stickers of my favorite non-existent characters from the "otome" games that I downloaded off the online game store.

I had a whole file of the apps on my phone, roughly about nine games.

I opened up Midnight Cinderella since it had the red notification sign on it

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I opened up Midnight Cinderella since it had the red notification sign on it. I was greeted by the usual Ikémen Series screen, which led to the loading screen.

Damn, I just had to use up all of my data plan.

The screen had FINALLY loaded, taking me to the story event, "Wish Upon a Star". Next thing you know, my game crashed. I sighed and slammed my phone onto the plush, blue seat of the chair.

My life sucks. :l

I looked out the window to once again see more buildings being renovated. I sighed to myself.

The world is slowly changing around us. I still remember when this mall was just a golfing range...

It was so random, but as soon as I thought those words, I thought I saw a shooting star. It's odd, but...

It wouldn't hurt to make a wish, would it?

I closed my hands, shut my eyes tightly, and whispered:

"Dear the ones who control thy wishes above,

Let me see my three Ikemen True Loves!"

an otome fanatic's 75 day dreamМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя