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Four years old. The big one. A graduate of preschool.

I was still a strange toddler, stuck in between preschool and kindergarten

I realized that this year, I had found my one true love.

And his name was Thomas the Tank Engine.

So y'see I didn't want to own Thomas the tank engine toys.

I wanted to BE Thomas the tank engine

I owned so much Thomas the tank engine merchandise because I would ask my aunts and uncles to buy it for me for Christmas

I had a bedspread, tent, shoes, clothes, you name it.

I even had a Thomas the tank engine pillow, which I still own to this day.

I wanted to chugga chugga choo choo my way into the world.

Thus began a phase of my life I like to call, the techno era.

I was obsessed with trains, building, mechanics, you name it.

I would watch Imagination Movers, Bob the builder, Handy Manny, Thomas the Tank Engine, Little Einsteins, and Barbie end on end.

So yeah, I was a huge nerd that watched educational videos for fun.

I somehow at age four knew the seven different wonders of the world, different classical music, mozart, and learned to read books.

And this is when I also taught myself how to play piano for the first time.

When I was about two years old, my mom bought me a little toy keyboard, you know, the ones that made weird sexual noises when it was on the "Boogie" sound effects.

At two I could play twinkle twinkle little star on it. That was all. And I didn't think much of it, it was just like a game to me. Match the song with the sounds. That's why the piano is a toy right? It's a matching game.

Well I never showed anyone that until I was four. Somehow my tiny hands and my tiny brain were able to interpret my mom's favorite song and play it to her.

My mom said to me ( years later ) that she was in shock bc no one had taught me how to play and there was really no YouTube at that time so there was no way I could be taught by someone else.

My mom calls my Lola (grandma) my lola, being the religious person she is, came to a conclusion that her dad's soul was teaching me how to play piano.

Apparently before I was born my lolas dad had passed away.

My Lolas dad was known because he could literally play any instrument. No kidding.

He played piano, banjo, guitar, flute, violin, drums, harmonica, ukelele, you name it. (I play piano, guitar, ukelele, drums, harmonica, and violin)

So apparantly my grandfather's soul was transferred to mine. A man's soul.

Maybe that's why I like girls.

Well my great grandfather seems like a really nice guy, I wish he was still alive so he could teach me things.

I'm getting off topic, so anyway.


I met one of my bestest friends, let's call her Meg, and I met one of my ex best friends (who me and Meg now hate) (Let's call her Satan bc that's what me and Meg call her irl) in this year.

I met them in ballet class.

We never really talked, but I remember I thought Meg's tutu was really pretty.

I was a bit of a tomboy so I had a blue tutu and Meg's was blue too.

So we talked about barbie and she told me about Satan and that's it.

We never talked afterwards lol

Until.... Kindergarten.

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